chapter 6

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This is the background story of the dude that striked Gorou...definitely won't become the villain-...

This chapter contains gore? Violence? Murderous intend.

In the shogunate army there was a very well trained soldier who currently is sitting the night before the battle with his friends at a restaurant to eat and drink something as a goodluck gesture for tomorrow's battle.
"Ryota, come on! One drink before the battle. "

(Ryota is the man Itto and Gorou wronged)

The man smiles at his friend and shakes his head putting his hands up to signal he did not want a drink. "You guys know I do not drink. It can upset ones stomach and I do not wish to have a hangover. "

Yet this doesn't stop his friends from pressuring him to drink and eventually he gives in. "Yes! Oh, I wonder if you can hold you liquor well!" One friend laughed, wrapping his arm around Ryota.

"Right?! Bet he is lightweight. " the other laughed.

The man with black hair chuckles and shakes his head at his comrades and smiles at them. "You are both lucky you are my best friends... but ...I can hold my liquor pretty well."

"We shall see!"

In the end Ryota had to help both his friends back to camp and it is a total disaster. They get scolded by the general so Ryota quickly rushes them to their tent and lays his friends down on their sleeping mats before he lays on his own himself while looking at the roof of the tent. Tonight was fun. It was the first time he had drank in a while and he had a fun time with his friends....everything was perfect at the moment...well except for that his friends snore very loudly and he lays between them but other then that...perfect.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

When dawn breaks each soldier prepares for battle but as Gyota was washing his face he sees his friends emerge from the tent causing him to smile and walk over to them splashing water onto their faces who are now wide awake.

"Gyota you bastard!"

"Yeah what in the world are you doing?! I have a killer headache"

The other bursts out laughing and pokes his friends their chests "and this is why I don't drink."

"Screw off- " one friend said wringing out his now wet hair and grabbing his bow to prepare to tighten the string for war.

Gyota laughs once more yet when he turns around and is face to face with a woman holding a child in her arms he smiles brightly and takes the child in his arms gently placing a kiss ontop of the child her head rocking her up at down "have you come to wish daddy goodluck?"

"She was crying all morning and wanted to see you." The woman smiles pressing a kiss onto his cheek yet she glances over to the general before she looks down. "Good luck in battle, my love."

Gyota smiles and nods holding their daughter for a while longer before handing her back to her mother.
"How can you like a germ factory so much?"
One of Gyota his friends said while the other slaps the back of his head. The one saying this rude comment always is straightforward and does not have a filter when it comes words while the other that slapped him is more the more well-spoken one of the two of them.

Gyota looks at his friend with a smile not even minding the comment about his daughter. "One day you will have a child and you will learn how to love and appreciate them."
Yet all smiles and fun soon would end as they go to the battlefield yet oddly...the general isn't there and all soldiers are confused...even their foe are confused.
Gyota takes it upon himself to lead the army as he takes a step foreward yet his friends grab his shoulders and immitatly yank him back towards them.

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