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This chapter contains gore and violence (it is time for angst HE HE HE)

A few days pass and Itto would wake up early still sleeping over at Gorou his place. He would leave the home and go to a nearby waterfall to just wash his body but it is not near the populated area so nobody would come there so yes; he stripped down naked and steps in the water as it only comes up to his waist.
Gorou had woken up as soon as Itto left and he would slowly get up and get ready for the day yet Gorou would follow Itto curious where he went yet when he peaks around the rock he is hiding behind he sees the other just relaxing in the water. Since his back is facing him the oni could not see him so Gorou has enough time to let his eyes feast by looking at those muscles.
"You can join me general" Itto said turning around and looks directly at Gorou with a smile.

Gorou freezes in place. He got caugbt looking at the other and in truth he does not know why he was hiding...they are friends after all "Oh-..." stepping to the water he looks at it before he looks back at the other "No thank you, I don't want my tail to get wet" he spoke and takes his sandals off so he can sit on a rock and only put his feet in finding the water surprisingly warm which is nice "Why did you come out here?"

Itto respects his choice and walks over to sit down on a rock in the water so he can lean back resting his arms on the edge of the pool (it is not a actual pool but rocks allign the edge of it if it makes sense? Idk XD)
"I just wanted to relax a little. I know we have been doing that for a couple of days as well for having fun but-...sometimes alone time is good as well. I am not saying you are annoying but-...!" Itto quickly would add before he clears his troath and awkwardly looks away.

Gorou smiles down at the other and gives him a nod to signal he understand the situation "It is alright. I understand that" he smiles and he leans over putting his hand into the water and it truely is a nice temperature as he will remind this pool of water exists so that he can maybe go for a swim sometime. "I will leave you alone then"

"There is no need." Itto spoke and covers Gorou his hand with one of his large ones " I don't mind your company at all"

Seeing the other smile up at him like that, seeing the other his hand cover his he gets a blush on his face resulting in the general to look away having felt his heart just skip a beat
"I-...should leave. Her excellency might need me" he spoke standing up and puts his sandals back on rushing to walk away.

Itto would look at the other walk away with a smile on his face yet as soon as Gorou leaves his sight he feels four blades being pressed against his neck. One again at his troath, one at back of his neck and one on each sides of his neck. If he only would move one inch he would die so Itto holds really still swallowing thickly.
Serounding Itto is a group of samurai. Two Nobushi and two Kairagi. They surely had a plan in mind so after they remove their blades they knock the other out.

•• ━━━━━ ••●•• ━━━━━ ••

The day goes by smoothly yet when Gorou returns home for dinner time he sees Itto is not there which makes him grow concerned instandly. The general awaits for Itto to walk trough that door yet a hour passes and he still is not back which is unlike him. Itto would always be at his home at this time. Having done enough waiting he steps outside and searches everywhere on Watatsumi island and even asks Kokomi herself where he went yet Kuki and the rest of the gang also do not know where he went which makes Gorou grow more concerned yet perhaps Itto is just exploring somewhere...atleast he hopes he is.

Days pass and luckily some had caught wind of something and they reported it to Gorou "A under ground fight scene? I will go there this instandly. Please inform her excellency of my departure and that I do not know when I will return" he spoke and grabs his things and leaves to go to Yashiori Island. Before he could get close to the secret entrance Gorou feels the wind pick up before he gets yanked by his arm behind a tree out of sight and he was ready to attack yet seeing who it was he calms down and places his hand on his chest "you almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you here?"

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