The Wakening

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{Please know I get their race from the wiki and Google -Keith I didn't know about... HE WAS 21 IN SEASON 6!?-}

"Hello?" Hunk, a Samoan/African-American male spoke out loud "Where are we?" Lance, a Cuban male, asked "It's some kind of control room." Pidge an Italian...uh... Nonbinary? answered, while looking at a console that suddenly activates, and two sleep pods rise from the floor.

"Are these guys... dead?" Hunk asked, as one of the sleep pods opens, revealing a female, and she instantly awakens.

"Father!" She yelled, falling out with her hand extended, to which Lance immediately catches the Allura in his arms he blushes at the sight of her and dons a suave persona.

"Hello." he said in a flirty tone "Who are you? Where am I?" She asked "I'm Lance. And you're right here in my arms." Lance answered- well told her "Your... ears." she said, looking discussed "... Yeah?" Lance said confused as she backed away "They're hideous. What's wrong with them?" she asked in a bothered tone "Nothing's wrong with them! They heard exactly what you said about them!" Lance yelled, and she grabs Lance by the ears and puts him in a restraining hold.

"Who are you? Where is King Alfor? Y/n? What are you doing in my Castle?" She asked bombarding the group with questions "A giant blue lion brought us here! That's all we know!" Lance yelled as the pain seeped through "How do you have the Blue Lion? What happened to its Paladin? What are you all doing here? Unless... How long has it been?" She asked, finally realizing, that something was wrong

"We don't know what you're talking about. Why don't you tell us who you are? Maybe we can help." Shiro a Japanese male asked "I am Princess Allura of Planet Altea. I've got to find out where we are and how long we've been asleep." Allura Altean and a high-ranked princess told, before accessing the console by placing her hands on it and a screen appears.

"Okay, that's how that works," Pidge said, with the screen inches away from their face, and the second pod opens, revealing a ginger, who gasps at the sight of Lance.

"E-Enemy combatants!" He yelled, jumping towards Lance who side-steps him, so he loses his balance.

"Quiznak! You're lucky I have a case of the old "Sleep Chamber Knees". Otherwise, I'd grab your head like this, wrap you up like so, and—One, two, three—" he said demonstrating what he could have done, by snapping his fingers.

"—Sleepy time!" he yelled "Well, before you did that, I'd—Hoo! Ha! Hiya!" Lance said while imitating rudimentary karate.

"—Like that." Lance said with a smug look "Oh, Really?! Well how could you do that when I've already come at you with this?!" the man yelled, ending down and pretending to strike repeatedly.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha-ey!" he boomed "Man, these guys are good." hunk said "It can't be..." Allura said, "What is it?" The man asked "We've been asleep for 10,000 years!" she exclaimed, before going into a flashback.

She stood in the Bridge of the Castle of Lions with Mr. Ginger, a winged male who was holding Allura in his chest, and her father, King Alfor. The Castleship was under attack by Zarkon's fleet and he appeared on screen.

"Zarkon!" Alfor yelled "Your fleet has been destroyed, Alfor. I will be there shortly to claim Voltron." Zarkon stated before ending the transmission, and a Galra warship blasted the Castleship with a powerful cannon.

"Father, we must form Voltron and fight before it's too late!" Allura yelled "It's already too late. We must send the Lions away. We can't risk them falling into Zarkon's hands." Alfor explained "We can't give up hope!" y/n yelled, with the tiny sip of hope soon fading "I'm sorry, Y/n. If all goes well, I will see you again soon." Alfor said, putting a hand on Alluras cheek, before using a mysterious light to put her to sleep.

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