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{sorry theres been little to many coms, but again, there is a com in here, yall i had a demon came into me like i did all last chapter, in less then 2 hours... ON 5/4/23 LIKE also so sorry this came out late, i was busy with a school project, and i could most likey update less, in the summer, because soccer}

In the Bridge of the Castle of Lions, Shiro awakens to Sendak ordering Haxus to find the saboteur who is thwarting their plans. "Haxus! I want whoever's in this ship found and terminated!" Sendak yelled "Commander Sendak, I've received a transmission generating from somewhere inside." Haxus informed, and he plays Team Voltron's communication channel out loud. Allua and Pidge are heard speaking.

Allura: "There's not much time before they get the ship running again. You must shut off the particle barrier so we can get in."

Pidge: "You got it. Tell me what to do."

Allura: "The particle barrier generator is beneath the main hull."

"She's telling the intruder how to take down our defenses."Haxus said, turning to Sendak. "Yes, but she's also giving away his location. Find that room. Kill the Paladin!" Sendak yelled, and Galra Sentries leave.

"Repair the engine. Emperor Zarkon has commanded us to bring him Voltron. This ship will rise before day's end."Sendak yelled

In the bottom of the mine on the Balmera, two aliens approach Hunk and Coran from the darkness. Hunk raises his cannon Bayard in defense.

"Okay, don't come any closer! I don't know how to use this very well." He said, and the two aliens step into the lights they, two local Balmerans. "Wait a minute. You're not Galra." Hunk spoke, "Nor are you!" The lady said, and a Galra fighter jet slowly descends the mine.

"A patrol!" the male shouted "Shay, we must take leave from these ones, now." he spoke "Wait, please! We need your help. If the Galra find us, they'll kill us." Coran yelled "Or torture us." Hunk spoke. "Or keep us as some sort of creepy pet to play with how they please." Coran continued "Not our problem, Hairy Lip. Galra see us near you and they kill both you and us. Shay, exeunt!" The male said, turning around

"No! These many years only Galra have been seen here. I will not turn my back on the skylings." She spoke "... Vex!" The male spoke, taking a side of the broken ship. "Grab a side. In here. Hurry!" he said, and they pulled the flight pod out of sight; Hunk and Coran follow. The Galra patrol passes by without detecting them.

"Thanks for saving us. I'm Hunk." He turned to her "Shay. And this one, my brother Rax. How did you fall to us?" she asked "Well, we came looking for something. And you guys might be the right people to help us find it." Hunk spoke.

at the castle

Pidge is inside the Castle of Lions at the Generator Room: a long hall of energy arcs. Pidge speaks to Allura through the team's communication channel.]

Allura: "Pidge, have you made it to the Generator Room?"
Pidge: "I'm in. This technology is so advanced, I don't know if I can figure it out."
Allura: "Yes, you can. The lives of your fellow Paladins are at stake. You can't give up."
Pidge reflects on him past. In the past, he sat with his family at dinner.

 "Hope you enjoy this home-cooked meal, Matt. After our launch to Kerberos tomorrow, we'll be eating freeze-dried peas for the next two months." his father, Sam said, looking at his oldest son, Matt "Don't lie. I know you love those peas, Dad." He said, looking ta his father "It's true. Those Garrison chefs really know how to genetically manufacture a delicious vegetable." Sam said, looking back to his food. As Pidge signed, he said "I wish I was going up with you guys." "Just you wait, kiddo. Something tells me that you're going to have your own crew someday. And you're going to fly with them to worlds so far away, we can't even imagine. I bet my bottom dollar you're going to be part of something that makes the whole universe sit up and take notice." his father said, looking up to him, as he smiled.

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