Chapter Three: "Transfurred"

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Alina was face to face with the crystal and had no idea what to do. Her dizziness almost got her infected by this shining object. She also thought about the test she did with the Watermelon Shork a while ago. But Alina's main thoughts were about her getting transfured. Another thing she thought about was her friends, Jay, Kira, and Sol. Were they ok or were they transfured? But right now that didn't really matter.

Alina then stepped back from the crystal and circled it and studied the appearance of it. It was glowing a pinkish red colour which gave off a glittering shine and glow, it just a clump of shard poking upward and outwards. As she circled it all she could see was just more and more shards, and eventually she ended up back in front of the crystal.

Staring at the crystal for a while made Alina fall into the same trance she felt earlier. She then thought about what would happen if she touched it, nothing bad would happen right? Maybe if she just took a few seconds to touch it she could study on how it feels. That couldn't do any harm right?

Alina then just got up and hugged it, as if it was a real person. She then fell back from the crystal and suddenly felt a gooey but soft substance at her legs. Looking around, trying to figure out why she felt weird. She then heard a cracking noise and looked down and saw that her legs covered in goo! Alina had no time to react to what was happening cause the goo had already covered most of her body and had blotted out her vision, the cracking noises then became more frequent and Alina cried for help but the goo had glued her mouth shut in some way. She then felt weird on her head, as if something was growing on there. She then had the same feeling affecting her legs, back, hand, wrists, feet, neck, and teeth. Tired and exhausted, she finally gave up on struggling. Just when she thought she was going to die, the cracking and weird feelings stopped.

Alina then regained her vision with a pinkish red tint around her point of view. After a little while the effects faded and the first thing she saw was the crystal, which was normal until she noticed the part she touched with her body. Then she noticed her lab coat, why was it on the ground and ripped? She wouldn't being wearing it if it there. She then looked down at her body and saw that she had no clothes on and all she saw was darkish grey fur. Wait, fur? She couldn't be a gootraxian right? Thought Alina as she lifted her arm and looked at her hand. It was a paw, like a puppy. "Hold on, am I really..." She thought as she reached for her neck and felt the large amounts of fur around her neck like a ring. Then she touched her head where she felt fur and two horn on top. "Oh no no no!" Said Alina "I'm one of them! What will Jay, Kira, Sol think of me?"

She then looked back and saw a carneline . She thought it were just gonna lunge at her and attack, but it just looked at Alina and walked away. Alina was confused about why the gootrax didn't attack her. But then she heard her friends from around the corner. "Alina! Alina where are you?" Shouted Jay "We're friends right? Even though we just met" said Kira "Wonder if she's ok" said Sol. Alina panicked and didn't know what to do until she remembered the crystal, so she swiftly hid behind it. "Alina! Well I guess she got scared and headed to the safety bunkers, let's go too" said Jay as the trio left.

Hearing the footsteps of her friends leaving made Alina sigh in relief, she then sat down on the crystal to rest a little. Then she thought about getting a snack since she was a tiny bit hungry. She got up from the crystal and walked away, and she did she got used to her new paws. They were entirely different from her normal human hands. When she got to the Cafe though, she barely saw a snack in sight. She scoured through the shelves just to look for something to eat, then she found a donut that was still pretty fresh. She picked it up and it slipped out of her hand immediately, but after multiple tries to pick it up she just gave up making her feel upset and annoyed by her new body.

Suddenly, she heard a clicking sound from behind her, like a.. gun. Alina looked turned around and she saw Professor Max holding a Colt Revolver right at her face making Alina freeze in place. "Hello ya' frickin' pussycat" said the Professor "How your day been doin'? Having fun in your new body, I wouldn't be surprised if you are actually enjoying it." Then he started to laugh in a very mean manner. What the hell are you doing? Alina thought, she was confused on why Max was acting this way. Then he said "Ooh I got ya' I got ya', you flippin' little wuss!" "Oh Ox is gonna be so happy to have a new subject. HA HA HA." Then Alina said "Why are you doing this?" But then instead of answering, Professor Max said "You're coming with me, ya' little pussycat" and he took out a crowbar out from his back and whacked Alina in the face, knocking her out.

(Wow what a PLOT TWIST) 943 Words

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