the psalma girl

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Finally waking up and black haired woman looked around her surroundings. She found she was in a forest in the middle of no where. She rubbed the bump on her head trying to remember what happened.


A man with a mowhawk and oddly blue skin was on top of a machine preparing a laser. He was Draken hated villian of Kim possible and Ron stoppable.

The black haired woman who was Shego was in a hand to hand combat with Kim possible.

"Draken hurry up and fire that laser" said Shego kicking Kim.

"Patience Shego just five more seconds" said Draken. Ron was able to sneak up to him and pulled off his belt.

"Ready set fire"The green laser blasted straight for Kim. Ron however was able to rederect the blast into hitting Shego instead. In nothing short of a second Shego's attire body was gone. Oops my bad" stated Ron with Roofus smacking his forehead.

(End of flashback)

"So that's what happened that idiot is going to pay" said Shego "Well as long as i'm here I better find out where"

Shego took a long walk and it was pretty boring. That was until she heard shouting.

"Quick get the demon!"

"Don't let him escape"

Shego looked ahead and saw an angry mob. When she realized what they wheir chashing she got beyond mad. She could see the poor little boy crying and running for his

She had made kids cry before and even took there candy. But she would never try to kill one. The whole idea of that was insane.

Shego ran up to the angry mob and stood in there way of hurting the child. She noticed the little blonde boy was holding on to her leg for dear life.

"What the heck is wrong with you all" she asked.

"Get out of her way woman. We are here to kill the demon" said a male villager.

"You mean the kid he doesn't look like a demon to me" Shego took a glance down at the boy. This is none of your concern he killed all of are family's and freinds. He even killed are beloved fourth Hokage"

That's when from an unknown source a rock was thrown at the poor boy. Shego took emmediate attention to it.

"Are you okay"she asked.

The boy only nodded. Shego looked back up at the villagers with fire in her eye.

"Get out of our way demon lover"

"Hey kid cover your eyes" said Shego.

The kid did as he was told and afterwards all he could hear was screams of pain. He opened them back up to see all the villagers beaten to the ground.

"Are they dead" asked the kid.

"No, but they won't be getting up for awhile" Shego said dusting off her hands. "So what's your name kid"

"Naruto Uzumaki" answered Naruto.

"Well my name is Shego. You wouldn't be able to help me out with a problem of mine could you"

"I might not be able to help but I know someone who can. The old man knows everything"

Naruto then took Shegos hand and dragged her to the village. Shego noticed that she had landed some where by a village. This village was actually a ninja village. All she could think of is what Draken has gotten her into.

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