SaneGiyuu Fluff-part 1

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Pov: Giyuu
-.... Well hashiras! Have a nice day and see next month, Kagaya said as the hashira meeting endet
All the hashiras left as i also wanted to leave, but someone grabbed me by my wrist. I turn around and see Shinazugawa.
-Erm... Would you like to come to my place?
Confused i nod a yes and start going behind him, ad i realise that he was still holding my wrist. Shinazugawa also saw it and let go as he blushed, maybe from embarrassment.

As we finally arrive there was a huge house.
I'm shocked then how could he afford something like that?
He let me enter in his house. He showed me around his house but many room where not furnished because he lives alone. Until we came to his bedroom. It had an slide-door to his garden that had many flowers, especially white lilly's , that I really like.

Shinazugawa smiled at me, butterflies swirling in my stomach. So i smiled back what he clearly didn't expect. But he blushed again.

He slowly sat down on his bed, so i sat beside him. It felt strange being happy again.

I laid my head on his shoulder. I drifted away in a peaceful sleep.

[-the next day-]

Pov: Giyuu

I felt warmth surrounding me. I slowly open my eyes and see i'm laying on Sanemi!?
(Shinazugawa is a long name;-;)
My face felt hot. I try not to move to not wake up Sanemi but I failed, and he woke up...
-I'm sor—
A warm feeling on my lips. He kisses me, and i kiss back.
Fireworks blew up in me(?). The kiss was passionate whit much love.

A knock on Sanemi's bedroom door. The door flew open. Tengen was standing there clearly shocked. Because its not 'normal' for 2 men being together in the Taisho (1912-1926). But we didn't stop the kiss.
He made the ✨gasp✨ and disappeared seconds later.
Sanemi stopped the kiss and gave me a peck on my cheek. I giggled as response. So Sanemi gave me another peck on the sane place. I felt so loved. Like a big weight was lifted from my shoulders.
(Ik not logical)

After some while se started dating. But we told nobody, because first of all Shinobu has a crush on me and i don't want to upset her.
Hope u like it 👍
First Oneshot and there's gonna be more + part 2 of this story:)



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