SasaMiya fluff (kinda)

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So ya  Sasaki to Miyano is an BL anime. I tbh rly like the anime and would recommend it to you 

Hope you enjoy


wrote this on my Laptop pls don't hate me

+Timeline after the anime, so spoilers I think



Summer break started about a week ago.

I could finally read my new Bl mangas because school was kinda stressing.

But as I grabbed my new manga, my phone went off.


-Miya-chan!, it was Sasaki, I sigh.

-Do you want to come to my place Miya-chan? We could watch a movie? I even bought some snacks.

I'm surprised that my boyfriend prepared so much for me.

-Sure! I come in 10 min.

I quickly started preparing myself. I would need to read my manga later...

I go out of the house and walk to Sasaki's place bc he lived only two blocks away.

I knock at his door. The door directly flew open

-Hiiiiiiiii Miya-chan. I missed you so muuuuuuuuuch.

He got to my height and gave me a peck on my nose. I smile at him, and a small rush of energy came to me. I loved when he kissed me. Even tho this reminds me too much of BL...

I take my shoes off and take Sasaki's hand, as he leads me to the living room. I wish I could hold them forever.

-Sooooooooooo I found 2 movies that I think you would like. Numero uno: The BL anime that you wanted to watch. Numero Dos: The new Bl movie that just came out.

- I think I take the first one, bc I really wanted to watch it.

-Okay Miya-chan

he grabbed the TV remote and started searching for the movie. It was currently 6 PM (18h) so we would finish and get some dinner. 30 minutes into the movie I started feeling tired and rested my head on Sasaki's shoulder. He didn't mind, because he placed his hand on my waist.

POV: Sasaki

I feel some weight on my shoulder, I look down. Miya-chan was sleeping on my shoulder. I smile and place my hand on his waist. I search for the TV remote and turn it off.

I take him in a bridal style and go upstairs to my room.

I enter my room and place Miyano on the sheets, and lay beside him.

I look at him and kiss him on his forehead, and slowly fall asleep.

A phone ringing woke me up. I look at mine, It's not mine. I shake Miya-chan, he only grumbles some words and turns away, I try again. Same reaction.

-Looks like I have one choice and it's to tickle you!

He directly opens his eyes at my words.

-Helloo Miya-chan.

He slimes and cuddles into me.

-Just wanted to tell you, someone called you. 

He gets his phone and looks.

-Oh, yeah... Forgot to tell my parents that I'm at your place.

-How could you forget something like that??, I chuckle

-Because I'm mostly in my room.

-Then you should come more often to me.

-I should.

He calls his parents and informs them that he will be staying at my house and laid on my chest.

I give him a kiss on his cheek and both of us fall asleep



Hope you like this one!


I will be trying to post every week one or twice.

Have a nice day/night


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