Some Lander-TMF

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Ship: Lander (LukexZander)

So Luke is 19  and Zander is 18 in this au and Hailey and Stacy are 14. 

POV: Hailey

Stacy and I have been childhood best friends since we met each other when we were 6. But she had to leave for Oklahoma for two years. But she came back. She also always had a massive crush on my brother's best friend, Luke. And because Zander and Luke were always hanging out at our house, she tried to come more often. But she didn't know that Luke and Zander were dating, and I would not tell her because I don't want to break her heart.

"I'm so excited to come to your house again!", Stacy said excitedly, "It has been so long! And is Luke still hanging out whit Zander? Because they graduated not long ago.", she was blushing like crazy.

"Stacy, they are still hanging out", I gave her a knowing smile. They even hang out too much, but I can't blame them bc they're dating. 

Her mood lit up in no time,  we entered my house, and I saw Zander in the kitchen. 

"Uhm, Stacy, can you pls go to my room, I have to tell something to my brother.", she nods as I walk up to Zander.

"As you can see Stacy, came back so pls don't get mad when she flirts or reveal your relationship whit Luke, it would break her heart, only when you can't stand it anymore and you want to  kill her badly"

"ZAN, ARE YOU COMING?", we heard Luke yell from Zander's room.

"Fine", he groaned out, "but pls tell her not to come often to my room!", I nod and head to my room to meet Stacy.

POV: Stacy - when she goes to Hailys room

Hailey wanted me to go to her room, so I did until I saw Luke in Zander's room. he was sitting on his bed and listening to Radiohead, I think. But before I could enter the room Luke yelled

"ZAN, ARE YOU COMING?", I could go after, I just need to wait for the perfect time. 

Zander got there after 30 seconds and Hailey took me to her room. At first, I thought I heard people giggling but I brushed it off. We did our homework, so when we finished it I asked if we could go see Luke. She fastly texted someone and we went to Zander's room. before entering we heard some loud shuffling, strange I thought, but I brushed it off and knocked on the wooden door and entered. 

"Hi Luke, hi Zander. How are you both?", I asked as I got nearer to Luke. He lightly smiled at me, I felt butterflies in my stomach. "I have one thing to tell you...", I deeply breathed in, " I like you Luke, and I know that right now we can't date, but I have been since I was 10, so I hope that maybe when I get older we could get together."

Luke looked at me shocked, "I'm sorry to tell you this but, I already date someone, so I can't date you, and you're way too young, I'm sorry, but I hope that you can find someone in your life that isn't me.", I felt shocked, this was nothing that I thought would happen, I hope that he would say something like: 'I can wait till you're 18 so we can date'  or ' We could try to start dating on your 18 birthday'. I was overthinking so much ab who he would be dating or why I'm not good enough that I passed out...

⫷The next day⫸

...I woke up in a white room,  my mother was sitting in a chair and Hailey was there too on a small sofa. "Mom?", I asked I didn't know what was happening until I heard people talking to my mother. I was too unconscious to understand what was happening, so I closed my eyes. 

Again I woke up, but this time in my room. I got up and went to the kitchen to drink some water.

POV: Luke

I felt really bad for Stacy, I'd love to apologize again until I felt hands wrap around me, it was Zander already asleep, but I couldn't blame him because it was 12 AM. So I cuddled up to him placing my hands on his waist, as I drifted to sleep.

The next morning I woke up in Zander's room. He was curled up against me, I smile at the sight. I had tried to about Stacy, and because of my boyfriend, I felt better. This day was only cuddling whit Zander and small kisses. I stayed at Zanders because my parents are workaholics and don't care if I'm home, and Zanders family also doesn't mind.

Sometime later (about 1 month), I forgot about Stacy's incident. And that day I was on a date whit Zander, he clearly was really excited, but it came to an end because we got tired quickly. So we ended up making out in Zander's bedroom.  And because of that, we didn't hear someone enter the room, until we heard a loud high pinched scream.

POV: Hailey ☆⌒(*^-゜)v

Stacy came back to our house, but not because of Luke this time, we had a science project. She clearly still had a small crush on Luke. He shouldn't be home because of a date, but that thought changed when I heard-

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-", it was Stacy, and it was really high pinched. She came running back from the bathroom, which was in the hallway. 

"LUKE! HE'S CHEATING ON HIS GIRLFRIEND WHIT ZANDER!", she was out of breath. I gave her no reaction because Luke doesn't have a girlfriend until I understood what she meant.

"Oh that, I forgot to tell you- Well Luke IS dating Zander, and he doesn't have a girlfriend. So no need to worry."

She looked at me in disbelief. And seconds later the couple entered the room, holding hands, tiered and Luke asked, "Yo everything okay? We heard some screaming?". Zander was resting his head on Luke's shoulder. (1000 words🎉)

"Yeah, Stacy saw you both doing idk what, she thought you Luke, were cheating on your non-existent gf.", he gave me an understanding nod and they went away into Zander's room, making out or smth like that because they were noisy( no).


So this is the end idk if I should do a part 2 or a fluff Lander oneshot? Hope you enjoyed it, bc I don't find many fanfics that make shit like this, and this is just an idea I had for a to long time...

And I wrote this at like 1 AM so feel free to correct me :D

Any requests? ---->

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