Fluff- ???

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So i wrote this in the middle of the night so clearly something gonna be wrong.
And also not me just yk using people that i know and ship. I'm gonna change their names because of personal reasons and if they ever find it they wont suspect its them. So yeah enjoy:)

Axel POV:
I was heading to school at 6 am. You may think why but its because few classes in my school are going to the nearest theme park. I was exited surely, because we will be there for about 6 hours on our own. And because I live not far away from the school I was still on time. I met my friend, Asher and Jake at the bus (which had 2 floors?) About 200 kids and few adults where ready to het in the bus.

-They entered(i'm too lazy sry)-

Of course I went to the 2nd floor and sat at about the front of the bus but not far away from the middle. Jake sat beside me, which made me nervous because I had a crush on him. And i know that he's very touchy, especially whit me, why, i don't know.
The first minutes were fine half of my class was around us. I opened my phone played some Geometry Dash, Jake was also playing the game, good.
I hoped that it will stay like that for the next 3 hours. Sadly it didn't...
The first hour was clearly fine, almost everyone was on their phones, sleeping, listening to music or even talking to each other. But i got caught off guard when i felt some weight on my shoulder, it was Jake 'resting' on MY shoulder. I tried to play it off cool by continuing playing my game. Until some other class(the ones at the back of the 2nd floor) our class didn't like them, like most classes, but the problem was that 2 people are going to enter OUR class even tho we wrote a whole letter to the principal that we don't want them in our class, spoiled alert: it didn't work.
A random guy came up to our part of the bus and started playing these cringe tiktok audios. Nothing good but I stood up and we did a staring contest in which i won. I got to my place and laid my head on Jakes lap. I heard a someone take a picture but I didn't care it i was turned into a wattpad fanfic where i was shipped whit Jake. (a/n i'm the 📸😔) But i stayed like that for some time.
2,5 hours passed, we were soon in the park, but who knew they would pass like the flash.
We finally arrived at the park and we sadly had to wait 45min for the principal and a teacher to get the tickets. But after suffrance we could finaly enter the park, it was filled whit people, which shocked me because rn school hours are in the region, but shook it off because this park it very popular whit tourists.
So me Asher and Jake are going to go as a team and go on most possible rides. But soon enough Asher left for his friend Jasper. So only me and Asher. We went on the crazy rides together played some small games(and won nothing). Soon it was Lunch time. We are something and went to the nearest ride which had a looping. We were clearly exited the next hours felt the same and we managed to go on all the big rides (14). So we tried to do something and something caught our eye. The Levitarium. It was basically a big TV room whit 4dx ( chairs are moving, sents, eyc.) The 'movie' was about 8 minutes long, and these 8 minutes i spend starring at Jake. Maybe not the best idea, but it was worthwhile it. The movie ended and Jake randomly wanted to bring me somewhere. It was a small place not bringing much attention to it.
'Axel i have to tell you something...' ,millions of thought were flying in my mind, ' its something big, and its ok if you don't understand but i like you, in like-like you.' What.He blushed. 'I-i ' ,i stutterd, ' I actually like you too' i smiled softly. 'Really!?' You could hear his happiness, 'Mhm', he jumped on me and we kissed, from a soft kiss to a heated make out session. Happily we were not exposed to the public.
As we went to some rides, at the end i got the love of my life...
Yay clearly not me shipping two classmates of mine👍
Hope you enjoyed:)
And pls if smt wrong, correct me since English is not my fist language:/

U look hot today🫵

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