TntDuo- Part 2

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Yay 2 chapters in one day:D hope u like this part 


POV: Wilbur

Days have passed since I was in Las Nevadas, I was feeling kinda bad for Quackity, why, idk. Finally I went to Quackitys office. I knocked on the door, and slightly open it. Quackitys face changed fast when he saw me. But his tiered expression didn't change. He must have overworked.

-Let me help you Quackity, I suggested

-Why would you wanna help me!?, hatred was present in his voice

-You look very tired and I wanna stop being rivals Quackity

He looked shocked at me. And answers:

-What kind of joke is this? Was it a dare from Tommy? Or did Tubbo lend you his kindness? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WAN-

He passed out on his table. I sigh. I pick him up in bridal style and deposit him on the couch that was in a corner of the room.

I make my way to his desk, he had lots of stuff to do, so I took my knowledge from L'Manburg and started doing his job. I hope he will get some rest.

After hours of work I finally finished. I got a sticky-note and wrote 'Hope this will help you :)' on it. I didn't sing it because he will think I did it all wrong or something like that.

I quietly left his office and got back to my burger van.


I woke up on my couch in the middle of the night. Strange. I walk over to my desk, all the stuff in done. There's also a note 'Hope this will help you :)'. I think who could have done that. Slime, no he's to stupid. Purpled, clearly not. I tried to think about all the people in Las Nevadas, but then it hit me. It was Wilbur. I couldn't believe it, did he really wanna make up and be friends. NO that's clearly only a trap so that I can suffer again. I took the note and threw it in the nearest trash bin.

I started looking at all the papers to find something wrong or false. But again everything was right. No mistake. I start thinking again, and came up whit a plan to see what Wilbur may wants. But the problem is that I have a small crush since the last time I saw him. So I took out some paper and started writhing a letter to Wilbur.

' Dear Wilbur, I thank you almost that you did my work( which was unnecessary ) and because of your work for me I want to meet you to have a talk whit you. Please meet me the 15 on June 20— at 9PM. I hope you can come.

        -Your dear rival, Quackity.'

I placed the letter into an envelope and send it off to his burger van. I hope he will come because I really want to confess to him that day. But I had some time to think about my confession, since we we're only the 9 on June. So I got myself to work. I asked Slime to find someone all around the SMP to prepare some food for that day. I felt relieved on the 12 when he told me that he asked Niki to cook something. Since that was done I had to think about the perfect place in Las Nevada. And as it turn out its at the top of the sky tower (I forgot how its called).

The day came that I will confess to Wilbur, the problem is that I don't even know if he will come, because he didn't wrote back.

I had my nicest clothes on, since it was 20:45 (8:45 PM). I was waiting at the main gate of Las Nevada. I soon saw a figure approaching me, soon I saw that it was Wilbur. I faintly smiled when he was infant of me, and in that moment he took my hand and kissed it. I directly was blushing. But I tried playing it off. So I led him to an hidden place that I had prepared for the meeting. It was a nice spot, 2 chairs and 1 table that where surrounded by fairly-lights...


Words: 692

Will do part 3, I was working a lot on this chap. idk why. 

Feel free to correct me:>

Drawing of Wei Wuxian:D kinda messy bc I drew on notes app w/ finger 😅

Drawing of Wei Wuxian:D kinda messy bc I drew on notes app w/ finger 😅

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u look beautiful <3

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