TntDuo-Lime? (DSMP)

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hi idk how long it was since I wrote... But I hope you will like this one! 

(p.s. you look awesome today🤍)

pls request smt 😭 

And thank you for 110 reads never thought it would even get reads:D

-------------------- <3--------------------


I was trying to enter Las Nevadas again,  which successfully worked. I stared walking to the main building, that had an open window. It looked like my fellow rival was wanting to see me, even tho he hates me whit all he has. 

I started walking around the building, until I stumble across Quackitys office door. 'Do not disturb' was written on it, so I slammed the door open. Quackity was already death staring me, as I grin to him. 

- Well, hello my friend !

- I'm not your friend and get. Out. Off. HERE!

I just ignore him and place myself on his desk. Quackity directly started lecturing me ( like every time I enter his office) that I am  not allowed in Las Nevada and blah, blah , blah... 

So I take a cigarette and offer him one. Surprisingly he took the cigarette. I got out my lighter out of my pocket and grabbed him close to me. I lighted my cigarette before so I pressed both cigarettes together. Quackity was a blushing mess, from which I didn't care. But his cigarette fell to the floor. So I stuffed mine into his mouth. From that he blushed even more. I knew I had to leave from my actions so I left Quackity alone. (a/n. alone again)



Really small fic, but I think I could maybe do a part 2? Idrk 

Hope you liked it :> 

Luv u<3

pls don't be scared to correct me if smt wrong

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