The Skk fluff from my crappy 4 chapter Fanfic

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POV: Dazai

I just got trowed by Atsushi-kun and Akutagawa-san that so awful! But Chibi-chan is beside me ,so everything is better! I love him so much to be honest, I don't even know how we started dating and ended up married. But we needed to be in a more comfy place that this cold ass floor. I sigh as I pick up the laying figure beside me, and walk towards our bedroom. He looks so cute when he sleeps. I enter the bedroom and place Chuuya on our bed, right now I don't give a fuck it the clothes are comfortable, so I lay down beside him and snuggle up beside him. I place my face on his fluffy hair,  I wonder what shampoo he uses since I don't really know what he uses. I get 'woken up' from my thoughts after I heard some mumbling, it was hat rack. He hugs me tight and I lay down on my back. He looks so peacefully while sleeping. I love him.
My last thoughts before falling asleep were Chuuya...


Idk what I could add since Chuuya was asleep, so hope you enjoyed this !

-Helios ☀︎

Ship recommendation? ->
Like 170 words, pls kill me

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