The Future Of A Storm-Verse Revival

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With the ideas I've had before, I will not make the book because I feel that I have come so far in my writing journey that if I bring it back, I'm unsure if the plot can move smoothly. I previously wanted to connect some universes within the Storm-Verse, but I don't know. 

Without further ado, the Storm-Verse project will be canceled. The reason is that the Mystique Series pays homage to Storm-Verse and my other canceled novel series. When I finish Feeble and Warrior, everything will start to make sense once I do comparisons. 

The Storm-Verse book project is shelved for now because I want to focus on my current stories. It's a lot of stories I want to get done at the moment. I hope you all understand because I am doing this for the better of my brain's creativity. 

When I thought of Book 1 for Storm-Verse, I wondered how the story could go. 

Like I said previously on my message board: Feb 28th, 2023

So there are a lot of stories on Ororo Munroe that will probably take a while to brainstorm in the remake book series of Storm-Verse. But I plan for Annabelle to play a big role in the series. (Yes, I'm keeping her and not erasing her.) Ororo has a lot of female friendships in the comics, so I created Annabelle because I took a lot of inspiration from Raven and Chelsea's friendship from That's So Raven. So for the official remake of Storm-Verse, storylines will be changed but the characters will remain. However, I don't know if I'll keep some of the shows + movies I put in Storm-Verse that had a crossover early on in the series. Except, DC Comics is in its own world. So for the fanfic of Ororo Munroe, I'm going to take certain storylines from left and right in some of the original ideas planned and take other storylines that happened in the comics. Plus scenes from my imagination that didn't happen in the comics including some of the FOX X-Men storylines + X-Men: Evolution + X-Men: The Animated Series. There will be a lot of inspiration for this book and I'm so excited to write this. For Book 1, I plan to start where Ororo's a child in Cairo, Egypt and have some type of "The Mummy" (1999) level adventures. And this is the only time I'll write minors because all characters I write about are adults (not teens). Just no teens because I moved past that phase and I want to feel like I am growing up with the characters. I just need to brainstorm everything first and see where things will turn out in the process of writing the series. So far, I want the book to be 5 (IDK) because I don't feel like committing to 12 books from last time which I had heavy writer's block on. Anyway, I will express more of my story ideas soon in Original Characters Of Mine. Even if I'm not writing, I'm eager to share my ideas.


There is a lot of story with Ororo that I didn't know from the comics and it's a lot. Expanding her story to 12 books made more sense since comics keep going and never stop. But I don't want to commit to 12 novels when it'll feel like I'm running out of time with my other stories. 

If I want to bring back Storm-Verse, it'll have to be at a time where The Mystique Series + Universe is almost ending. I plan to expand The Mystique Series with prequels and continue with Linda's story. 

That's all folks.

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