Omid and Christa

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We get off of the train and walk to the rest of the group and see part of a gas truck dangling over the edge of a broken overpass, blocking our path, while the rest is still on the road.

Kenny:"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!!!"

Ben:"Maybe we could walk?"

Kenny:"That's fucking stupid, Ben."

Ben:"I'm just sayin..."

Chuck:"Hmm. I dunno. I ain't got much experience with y'all's fortitude but we could probably deal with that. We got a goddamn train."

Kenny:"That thing's not full of milk, Charles. That's gas or diesel; something that's going to explode."

Chuck:"YOU gotta get ahold of yourself. This a crew here."

Kenny:"This ain't shit."


Man:"Yo,"We look up at the overpass and see a man and woman on it."You keep screaming like that and you're gonna get your face chewed off."

I see Kenny reaching for his gun. Let's not start a war while we have something explosive beside us. I walk to Kenny's side.

Me:"No, we're friendly. Put your hand down, Ken."

Woman:"That's what everybody says."

Me:"We know."

They look at each other and see their mouth moving. What are they saying? They turn back to us.

Man:"You guys got a problem with your train?"

Kenny:"Yeah, you're standing right in front of it."

Man:"Dude, it's a wreck. It's not so bad from up here. Send your buddy up to have a look."

Kenny turn to me.

Kenny:"Anything goes sideways up there, we won't let them escape."

I walk to the way up; the ladder. I grab onto it.

Me:"If I come up there, you better not be murderers or thieves."

Woman:"I guess you'll have to find out."

Great. I start climbing up the ladder.

Man:"A group of guys is what we need."

Woman:"They're what you think we need. We're doing fine."

Man:"For now. What about when...?"

Woman:"Stop it."

I reach the top. Hmm. I approach them.

Man:"Hey, dude, I'm Omid."


Woman:"Christa. What's the deal with the train?"

Me:"We're driving it."

Omid:"OH, MAN."

The woman, Christa, just shakes her head. Seems like she's more serious than him.

Man:"We're not really in the meetin' and greetin' mood. I just came up here to see about the tanker."

Christa:"Well, there it is."

I know-

Omid:"Oh, shit! Goddamn, you guys have a kid!"

What? I turn around and see Clementine behind me.

Me:"What are you doing up here?"

Omid:"Do you know how long it's been since I've seen a kid? Shit!"

Then Joel comes up and stares at Omid, then Ellie comes up. Is everyone coming up? I look back and see Omid getting scared at Joel's glare. Then Christa glare at Joel back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2024 ⏰

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