Minutes later
The sun already went half way down and we arrive the dairy and walk to the gate of the house.Danny turn to me.
Danny:"Man,that was a hell of a ride,huh?"
I throw the rifle to him.I'm still shock by what happen.
I walk closer to him.
Danny:"What? You ain't gettin' soft on them, are ya? Not after what they did to your friend."
I turn to the house and see Brenda standing up.
Brenda:"You're back.What happened?"
Danny:"Handled it, Mama."
Danny walks away and I open the gate and walk up the stairs.When I got to the top,Brenda sat right back down on the porch.
Brenda:"This isn't what Terry would've wanted..."
Brenda:"My husband.Miss him everyday."
Lily:"Then screw it up,"I turn my head and to see Lily yelling at Kenny,again."for everybody then,why don't you?"
Kenny:"Oh calm down,princess.I'll do it myself."
They both walk away.Kenny went to the barn,and Lily walk to her father.I turn back to Brenda.
Me:"What's going on with them?"
Brenda:"Dunno.Squabblin',looks like.A lotta tension with y'al,huh?"
Me:"Yeah, you could say that. They don't exactly see eye to eye on how we should be doing things."
Brenda:"Well, it's probably just the hunger talkin'."It actually not."And, Lee, don't worry your head about them bandits. I'm sorry you've seen more violence than I'd'a thought in your short time, but y'all are safe here. Don't worry."
Me:"Think I'll go have a look around."
Brenda:"Don't wander too far. Dinner will be ready before you know it. And thank your friend Katjaa again for me. She and the kids are in the barn with the cow. That woman is a lifesaver."
I walk down the stairs and open the gate.I turn my head to the barn.Let's see what they got in there.Clementine walk to the door and wave to me,then she close the door.Hmm?I pull out Clementine's hat.I did promise her.I put the hat away.I walk to the barn and enter.I see Katjaa,Clementine,Duck,and Andy being near to the cow.
Katjiaa:"It's okay, Clementine, you can pet her."
Clementine look at me.
Me:"It's okay, go ahead."
Clementine slowly reach for the cow,and then pets her.
Clementine:"Whoa.Katjaa says Maybelle could have her baby tonight."
Katjaa:"We'll see, Clementine."
I notice a block shape thing.I walk to it and crouch down.
Me:"What's this thing?"
Duck:"Daddy said it's called a salt lick."
Clementine:"Yeah, but don't lick it. It's gross."

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)
Fanfiction(Hiatus until 2025 or Winter 2024) Thanks for the 1k on "The Last of Us(With Clementine)." The story will play out like the last of us story,but for this,Sarah isn't the daughter of Joel.Can you guess who?And they need to follow Lee,Clementine,Kenn...