The dairy part 2

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Few minutes later

We're finally at the diary.I slam the gate open and we both enter and see Ellie running to us,and Andy already standing there.

Andy:"Lee,what's wrong?"

Ellie:"What happened to Mark?"

Me:"It was a goddamn ambush out there!"


Danny:"Holy sh*t!Are you okay?"

Andy:"Bandits?Here?On our property?"

Brenda:"Oh,my lord!"I look back to Brenda."What happened to you,sweetheart?"

Andy:"It was those bastards in the woods,Mama."

Mark:"Yeah."I look at Mark."I'll be alright once it's out,but,goddamn it hurts."


I look above of Mark and see Kenny,Katjiaa,Clementine,Duck,Lily,and Larry.But where's Carley,Joel,and Ben?

Katjiaa:"Mark!Oh my god,what happened?!"

Me:"He got shot with an arrow."

Kenny and Katjiaa run toward Mark.

Lily:"Christ!Are you gonna be okay?"

Mark:"Yeah,I'm fine.I should just...pull it out."

Brenda walks toward Mark.

Brenda:"Oh no,honey,c'mere,Brenda's got you.C'mon inside now."Brenda,Mark,and Katjiaa start walking to the house."We'll have you all sorted out.Well,you must be the veterin-"

Larry:"What kind of sh*t is this?"

Me:"We ran into some people on the way up here...bandits,I guess.I think it was them that attacked us."

Andy:"They gave us a lot of problems in the beginning,killed a bunch of our farmhands.We were able to get 'em to stop by makin' a deal."


Kenny:"You knew about this people?"

Danny:"Food for protection.Not like we had much of a choice,but they did stop hasslin' us."

Larry:"God dammit.Carley said this place was locked down tight."

Me:"Maybe it isn't safe here as we thought."

Andy:"Look,we're sorry.We've never had them screw with us like this.Not since we started givin' 'em food.Listen,we may had an agreement with those people,but we will NOT stand for this sh*t."

Danny:"Ain't no way we're gonna let those sons o' b*tches get away with this."

Kenny:"You know where these assholes are?"

Danny:"They're hard to pin down, but I think I know where at least ONE of their camps are. When you're ready to go scope out that bandit camp, come find us."

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