Few minutes later
Oh,god my head.I open my eyes and see a salt lick.What?
Larry:"Open the goddamned door!"I start looking around but my eyes still feel tired."You can't keep us in here! OPEN UP! I WILL TEAR YOU FUCKERS APART WITH MY BARE HANDS!"
Kenny:"Will you stop that banging?! We've gotta find another way out!"
I see Lilly vomiting in the corner of the room.Where the hell are we?
Larry:"You sick fucking bastards!"I look to my right and see Clementine and Ellie." OPEN THIS DOOR, GODDAMN IT! I will knock the goddamn door down!"
Clementine and Ellie run to me.
Ellie:"Thank god."
Clementine:"It--it was a person.They tried to make us eat a person."
Me:"But you didn't do it..."
Larry:"The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet...!"
Lily:"C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time."
Me:"What happened?"
Ellie:"After Danny hit you,we were thrown in here,the meat locker."
Kenny:" Lee, we gotta get outta here! If they so much as touch my family, I'll kill those sons of bitches!"
Larry walk toward me.
Larry:"This goddamn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!"
Ellie:"Hey!"Ellie stand up."Don't forget that your daughter voted for us to go here in the first place."
Larry:"Don't drag my daughter into this!"
Ellie:"Or what!?You're going to hit me like you did with Lee back in the drug store?"
Larry walks away and bang on the door.I stand up.
Ellie:"Don't mention it."
Clementine:"Lee,I'm scared."
Me:"Don't be. It's gonna be okay.I'm gonna find us a way outta here."There's pallets.I wonder.I walk to the pallets."Could there be a hole behind these pallets?"I look behind it." No such luck."I look around then see an air conditioner."Hmm."
Larry:"I'll break the damn door down!"
Lilly:" Dad! You can't get--"
The banging stop.
Larry:"Ahh! Urg!"
I look at Larry and see him grabbing his chest.Lily walk toward him.
Larry:" Hrrrgtt! Oh, god..."
Larry collapse and Clementine gasp.
Ellie:"Not again."
Lily kneel down and grab Larry's face.
Lily:"No! Dad, come on! DAD!"She put her head on his chest."Oh, god, he's stopped breathing.I think he's had a heart attack."

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)
Fanfic(Hiatus until 2025 or Winter 2024) Thanks for the 1k on "The Last of Us(With Clementine)." The story will play out like the last of us story,but for this,Sarah isn't the daughter of Joel.Can you guess who?And they need to follow Lee,Clementine,Kenn...