Battle in the dairy

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Few minutes later

Oh,god my head.I open my eyes and see a salt lick.What?

Larry:"Open the goddamned door!"I start looking around but my eyes still feel tired."You can't keep us in here! OPEN UP! I WILL TEAR YOU FUCKERS APART WITH MY BARE HANDS!"

Kenny:"Will you stop that banging?! We've gotta find another way out!"

I see Lilly vomiting in the corner of the room.Where the hell are we?

Larry:"You sick fucking bastards!"I look to my right and see Clementine and Ellie." OPEN THIS DOOR, GODDAMN IT! I will knock the goddamn door down!"


Clementine and Ellie run to me.


Ellie:"Thank god."

Clementine:"It--it was a person.They tried to make us eat a person."

Me:"But you didn't do it..."





Larry:"The rest of us did, goddamn it! If you hadn't dragged your feet...!"

Lily:"C'mon, Dad. Now's not the time."

Me:"What happened?"

Ellie:"After Danny hit you,we were thrown in here,the meat locker."

Kenny:" Lee, we gotta get outta here! If they so much as touch my family, I'll kill those sons of bitches!"



Larry walk toward me.

Larry:"This goddamn thumbsucker was the one who brought us here!"

Ellie:"Hey!"Ellie stand up."Don't forget that your daughter voted for us to go here in the first place."

Larry:"Don't drag my daughter into this!"

Ellie:"Or what!?You're going to hit me like you did with Lee back in the drug store?"

Larry walks away and bang on the door.I stand up.


Ellie:"Don't mention it."

Clementine:"Lee,I'm scared."

Me:"Don't be. It's gonna be okay.I'm gonna find us a way outta here."There's pallets.I wonder.I walk to the pallets."Could there be a hole behind these pallets?"I look behind it." No such luck."I look around then see an air conditioner."Hmm."

Larry:"I'll break the damn door down!"

Lilly:" Dad! You can't get--"

The banging stop.

Larry:"Ahh! Urg!"

I look at Larry and see him grabbing his chest.Lily walk toward him.


Larry:" Hrrrgtt! Oh, god..."


Larry collapse and Clementine gasp.

Ellie:"Not again."

Lily kneel down and grab Larry's face.

Lily:"No! Dad, come on! DAD!"She put her head on his chest."Oh, god, he's stopped breathing.I think he's had a heart attack."

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)Where stories live. Discover now