Clementine's pov
An hour laterNo. No. Lee! No!
I open my eyes , sit up, and I see Lee.
Lee:"It's just a bad dream, sweet pea. What was it about? Duck?"
Oh, god. I heard everything they said.
Me:"He's bit..."
Lee:"We don't know how this works yet. Maybe it's like a cold. His mom's a doctor. Maybe she can help him. When I was a kid, I never got sick, but my brother always had somethin'. I always thought he was fakin' it."
Me:"It's not like a cold."
Lee:"No... it's probably not."
He's dying and I didn't... I haven't...
Me:"I feel bad."
Me:"I called him a crybaby...when I hid the bug in his pillow."
Lee:"Oh, that's okay, honey. You didn't mean it."
I was just playing around with him. But...
Me:"Why did Lilly do that to Carley?"
Lee:"I don't know. She was sad, Clem. That can make people angry sometimes."
Me:"Have you ever been that angry?"
Lee:"One time. Clem, people don't always make sense."
Me:"How come?"
Lee:" 'Cause bad things happen to everyone. And it's hard to keep bein' yourself after they do. Do you think we should've let Lilly stay?"
Me:"I don't think so."
Lee:"I don't know. It wasn't easy. I don't know if we did the right thing."
Me:"How can you tell?"
Lee:"Well, it's not like math, Clem. Sometimes there isn't a right answer."
Me:"I hate math."
Lee chuckles.
Lee:"Me too, sweet pea. Yeah, but part of growing up is doing what's best for the people you care about...even if sometimes...that means hurting someone else."
Me:"I don't want to hurt anyone."
Lee:"It's not that easy."
Oh, no.
Me:"I'm scared, Lee."
Lee:"What can I tell you to make it better?"
Me:"That you won't leave me."
Lee:"Oh, I wouldn't do that. I promise. Everything's gonna be alright."I hope you're right. I don't... I don't want that nightmare come true. I lay my head on Lee's chest and Lee put his arm around me."Now let's try to get some sleep."
Me:"Okay, Lee."
I close my eyes and try to fall asleep.
Lee's pov
Few hours laterI hear sweet pea moaning. Another bad dream. She lift her head and....
Me:"Clem! Fuck!"I scoot away from Clementine that now, somehow, became a Walker. I grab her and start pushing her away."What happened?!? Holy shit! Get off of me!"

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)
Fanfiction(Hiatus until 2025 or Winter 2024) Thanks for the 1k on "The Last of Us(With Clementine)." The story will play out like the last of us story,but for this,Sarah isn't the daughter of Joel.Can you guess who?And they need to follow Lee,Clementine,Kenn...