I got spare time, who knows how long might this take. I walk toward Carley.
Carley:"Talk to Lilly yet?"
Me:"Yeah. She thinks supplies have been walking away."
Me:"There's some broken equipment too. I'll look into it."
Carley:"Thanks for doing that. What I wanted to say was, I've been thinking a lot. About you."
Me:"What about?"
Carley:"You're a convicted killer."
Me:"Carley, Jesus..."
Carley:"And I think people should know. Not because they deserve to and not because you're a bad man. I think the opposite of those two things. People need to know because we're hanging by a thread here and I can't see Lilly talk about you without thinking it's the next thing she's going to say. You don't have to tell everyone, but think about who you trust and take the opportunity while you have it."
Me:"You're probably right."
Carley:"Of course I'm probably right. Larry's gone, but he knew. If he didn't tell Lilly outright, he probably said enough to make her wonder. I'll tell you what I would tell anybody, apocalypse or not--there comes a time when you can get out ahead of something like this and discuss it on your terms. Do it before that chance is taken away."
Me:"I'll let people know. You're totally right."
Carley:"Good. I think it's for the best."Carley leans in... and kiss me on the cheek."You'll thank me later."She leans away. Why did she do that? Does she... "Now. Um, is there anything else you want to talk about?"
I can ask a different time. Right now, I got two hands full.
Me:"I'm going to look into this thing."
Carley:"Good luck."
I walk down the stairs. Okay, so if I go around, and tell some of them the truth, I may notice something out of place or ask them if she they know something. First person, Clementine. She already heard Carley, better fill her in. I walk toward Clementine.
Me:"Hey, Clementine."
Clementine stops drawing and look at me.
Clementine:"Hey, Lee."
Me:"What's that you're working on, Clem?"
Clementine:"It's called a leaf rubbing. My teacher Miss Moore showed us how to do 'em when we went to the botanical garden once."She lift up the leaf and the drawing of half of the leaf."See? It's the same. Um, kinda of."
Me:"That's really something."
Clementine:"I'll make one for you, too."
Me:"You didn't accidentally break a flashlight, did you?"
Clementine:"No. Did Duck say I did?"
Me:"No. Did Duck break the flashlight?"
Clementine:"I don't think so. He's just always blaming me for stuff."
Me:"Like what?"
Clementine:"Putting a bug on his pillow."
Me:"Did you do that?"
She smiles.
Me:"Did Ellie convinced you to do it?"

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)
Fanfiction(Hiatus until 2025 or Winter 2024) Thanks for the 1k on "The Last of Us(With Clementine)." The story will play out like the last of us story,but for this,Sarah isn't the daughter of Joel.Can you guess who?And they need to follow Lee,Clementine,Kenn...