A week later
Joel povKenny and I turn the corner of the street and see no Walkers.We walk down the street.
Kenny:"Looks like this is our lucky day."
Me:"Just keep your eyes open for any surprises."
Kenny:"Just tryin' to be optimistic."
Me:"Let's just get inside first."
A lot of things have happened here.Pieces of the buildings are in the ground,holes on them,and vehicles have been left or tear apart.Kenny groan.
Kenny:"Man.Joel,have you made up your mind on stayin' or goin'?"
Strange.Ever since the diary,Kenny barely talked to us about the RV.It's odd that he deciding to talk about now and not back in the motor.But with everything that been going on,I got my answer.
Me:"We should go.The motor inn has been dangerous lately."
Kenny:"You're damn right it has.But you and Lee should speak up to Lily.She's dug in."We get to the destroyed pharmacy."Okay, just like last time. Over the rig, into the pharmacy, and scrape together whatever supplies are left."
We didn't left much last time,but we got no other option.
Kenny climb up the ladder while I turn around and see nothing.
I turn back around and see Kenny on the top of the truck.
Me:"What is it?"
Kenny:"The ladder's come loose. I'm not sure how many more trips she's got in her."
Better get up fast.I walk to the ladder and grab it,then the ladder separate itself from the truck and throw it to the side.
Kenny:"What now?"
Me:"I'll find another way."
Kenny:"Better get a move on."
I look around and see a military car with a winch.That could work.I walk to the car and look at the winch.Good condition.I grab the winch and pull it.
God it's heavy.I walk to the truck.
Kenny:"Lily's not doin' so good,huh."
Me:"We both know why."
Ellie told me everything about what happened in the meat locker.I keep wondering what would have happened if I was there.Maybe things wouldn't had gone down as it did.
Kenny:"I did what I had to."I attach the winch to the axle of the truck.I walk back to the car and flick the switch of the winch,and the car start getting pull to the truck."Your girl still upset with me for taking stuff out of that car last week?"
Me:"She's not upset,but she is very cautious,now."
Kenny:"Yeah.I've noticed.I seen her staring at the woods yesterday,before Clementine and Duck broke her trance."The car stop when it reach the truck, then I climb on top of it." Duck was asking about at last night."
Me:"He still bothered by it?"
Kenny:"Of course he is."
Kenny extend his hand.
Me:"You can handle it?"
Kenny:"Yeah.I can handle this.Gimme your hand."
I grab his hand and Kenny lift me up,then he let go and land on the car on my back.Ouch.That sound wasn't too loud but loud enough for any Walker near by.I listen and hear nothing.That's good.I look up to Kenny and see him sigh in relief.I stand up.
Me:"Next time,stay in the motor inn while me and Lee search the place."
Kenny:"Hey,I thought I'll heal faster."
A scream appeared and we look around.
Woman:"GO AWAY!"A woman runs out of a store screaming while Walkers comes out of their hiding."HELP ME! SOMEBODY HELP ME! OH, GOD! OH, GOD!"
Kenny(Whisper):"What the--what the hell is that?! A walker?!"
Is he an idiot?
Me(Whisper):"Are you serious?They don't scream and run."
Kenny(Whisper):"Jesus!"I rise up my gun and point it toward her."Wait,wait,wait,Joel."The woman gets bite on the leg."Just listen,what if we live her alive and she draws them all to her,buying us time.Think about it.We're always worryin' about the ones we can't see--she stays alive and brings them all out of their holes."
He....No.I point my gun at her and...
Few months ago
Oh god.I hear the door cream open and turn my head and see Ellie enter the room.She puts a shook face.
Me:"I'm sorry."
I hear a groan behind me.What the hell?I thought....I turn around and see her.
Few months later
I can't do it.I put the gun away.The woman get her hair pull and get bite on the neck.Fuck.I turn around.
Kenny:"Good,let's go--she'll keep 'em busy."Kenny extend his hand again and I grab it and got on top of the truck.We run across the truck and jump down.Then run to the door,open it,and enter the pharmacy.Kenny open the other door and we enter the room."We should be good to clear this place out,but we ain't got all day.Get everything you can out of these racks."Kenny went to far end of the shelves."Don't forget underneath the counter!I'll clear down here and then we gotta go!"
Few minutes later
The woman is already dead,wish I could put her out of her misery.I grab the last item.
Me:"That's everything."
Kenny:"That girl didn't die for nothin' then."Kenny walk to the counter."Up and over."He jump over the counter and I did the same."We're still clear.Let's hustle."
I follow Kenny but then the door fall on me with a bunch of Walkers on top of it.
I push the door but it's,goddamn,heavy.I look up and see Kenny running toward me and put his hands on the door.We lift the door up and push it away from me.I see more Walkers in the office.Kenny pull out his gun while I quickly stand up.
Kenny:"FRIDGE!"I look near to the doorframe and see it.I run to it and push it,making the path block.But that doesn't stop others from coming in from the other side of the counter.Kenny shoots them."OUT!Let's fucking get out!"Kenny runs to the other side of the store and I follow him.But then a Walker,with helicopter gear,appeared.I pull my shiv and strike it on the jaw and it falls down.I run to Kenny."Let's go."
We exit through the hole on the wall.

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1(With Joel and Ellie)
Fanfic(Hiatus until 2025 or Winter 2024) Thanks for the 1k on "The Last of Us(With Clementine)." The story will play out like the last of us story,but for this,Sarah isn't the daughter of Joel.Can you guess who?And they need to follow Lee,Clementine,Kenn...