iv| invitation

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"How does it feel to almost be brutally butchered?" One woman asked. "People wanna know! They have a right to know!"

Tatum and Delilah ran after Sidney as the woman kept yelling at Sidney. Delilah flipped the woman off.

"She just wants to get an education!" Dewey said. "Turn that thing off."

Sidney grabbed her friends hands to stop them from walking as she turned and looked towards the side.

"What?" Tatum asked and looked in the direction Sidney was looking in.

Tatum and Delilah stood off to the side as Sidney talked to Gale Weathers. Sidney started to look uncomfortable so Tatum and Delilah stepped in.

"Nice welt sweetie." Delilah smirked as she grabbed Sidney's arm. "Let's go Sid."

"The killers still on the loose isn't he?" Gale asked.

"Let's go Sid." Tatum said.

"Those murders are related." Gale said.

"I'm sorry I mangled your face." Sidney said.

"Sidney don't go." Gale said as she snapped her fingers at her camera man.

"Just stop." Tatum said.

The girls stood at their lockers.

"This is a mistake I shouldn't be here." Sidney said.

"I want you to meet me and Lilah right here after class alright Sid?" Tatum said.

"Alright." Sidney said leaning against her locker. "Hey I haven't seen Billy around. Is he really pissed?"

"Oh you mean after you branded him as Candyman no his hearts broken." Stu said as Tatum smacked his arm. "Ow."

"Stu." Tatum scolded.

Suddenly, someone in a ghost face costume began screaming and running down the hallway. Stu was laughing as Sidney gasped.

"Why are they doing this?" Sidney asked.

"Are you kidding me, look at this place it's like Christmas." Stu said with a smile.

"Stupidity leak." Tatum said as she smacked Stu with her sucker.

"Easy." Stu said.

"Sidney!" Tatum called as Sidney ran off.

"Great job Stu." Delilah said rolling her eyes and walking to class.

Delilah sat in class, worried about her best friend. She saw her talking to Billy but didn't want to bother them.

As she sat in class she also realized she hadn't talked to Randy since last night so she was probably going to visit him at the store later. That and she had work.

Suddenly, an announcement came over the intercom saying that school would be out until further notice.

Delilah sighed and picked up her stuff and went to Tatums locker. There, Sidney explained that she was attacked by the killer.

"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh Sidney." Tatum assured her friend.

"It was him Tatum I know it." Sidney said.

"Well your not to be alone anymore alright?" Tatum said. "If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?"

Stu ran up to the girls and said some weird shit that Delilah didn't understand but it must of been a good thing.

"I don't know what you did Sidney but on behalf of the entire student body we say thank you!" Stu said.

"Hey I'll catch you guys later." Delilah said. "I gotta go to the video store."

"Alright, see ya, Delilah." Tatum said.

"Ay, Lila, party at my place." Stu said.

"Okay I'll be there." Delilah said before walking away.

Hopeless Place| Randy Meeks¹ Where stories live. Discover now