vii| alive

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DELILAH WOKE UP IN THE HOSPITAL ALONE. nobody was with her. it was bright and cold. she had been in this situation before. but this time she had no one.

she didn't know if sidney was alive. she didn't know if mickey killed gale. she didn't know if mrs loomis had gotten away with it.

she was alone.

until there was a knock at her door. delilah lifted her head.

"come in." her voice was hoarse from the lack of water. a cop walked into the room and sat down beside her. "can i help you?"

"yes ms abrams." the cop said. "now that you are awake i have some good news for you." delilah squinted her eyes at him. "sidney prescott, gale weathers and dewey riley have all survived. mrs loomis and mickey altieri are deceased. but i have happier news."

delilah furrowed her eyebrows as the freaked open and in walked randy. he was on a walker and he looked exhausted but he was alive.

her randy was alive.

delilah felt like all the breath had been knocked out of her lungs. she couldn't breathe nor stop the tears that fell from her eyes or the smile that spread across her face as randy slowly made his way to the girl.

"r-randy?" delilah sobbed, placing her hands on his cheeks as he finally made it to her bedside. "you're alive."

"yeah." randy said. "they had to keep it a secret in case the killers tried to come and finish the job. and dewey had to lie to you. he came back and told me how bad he felt after. he's here too."

"dewey was stabbed?" delilah asked.

randy nodded. "yeah but it hit scar tissue which saved him. that's how i'm standing here too."

"i'm so glad you're alive, randy." delilah said. "i thought i lost you. i went back to my dorm and i felt so lost. i..."

"i'm here now, lily." randy said. "and i won't leave you ever again. do you hear me? when you get out of here we're gonna get married and have lots of babies."

delilah chuckled before an adoring smile appeared on her features. "i love you so much rand."

"i love you too, lily."

hi everybody! wow. this took forever to finish! i really hope you all enjoyed this AND i have a second book for scream 3 and 4!! so you should definitely go check that out and i hope to see you there🤍. thank you all so much for the support AND 5000 READS. that's crazy. thank you guys so much

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