Delilah Abrams and her friends live in a small town, Woodsboro. Nothing has happened there since one of her best friends mom was raped and murdered, that is until Casey Becker and Steve Orth are murdered.
Book One
Scream 1 and 2
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IT WAS ALL OVER THE NEWS THAT MAUREEN EVANS AND PHIL STEVENS WERE MURDERED. Delilah couldn't get it out of her head as she sat in class next to Randy. She wondered if Sidney was okay.
"You could say what happened it that theater was a direct result of the movie itself." Her teacher said to the class.
"That is so more majority." Cici, one of Delilah's new friends said. "You can't blame real life violence and entertainment."
That caused an uproar in the class.
"Don't you watch the news?" One kid asked.
"So the murderer was wearing a ghostface mask, okay?" Another kid said. "Just like in the movie it's directly responsible."
"No it's not." Cici argued. "Movies are not responsible for our actions."
"It's a classic case of life, imitation art, imitating life." Mickey, another one of Delilah's new friends said.
"This is not hypothetical." Some girl added. "It's not art. I had biology with that girl, this is reality."
"Thank you." Randy and Delilah said in unison.
"I agree with you." Randy said, pointing at the girl. Delilah smiled at her boyfriend. Randy had changed his looks over the course of 2 years. He had grown out of his dorky looks and grew out a goatee which Delilah found incredibly attractive. He still had a similar hairstyle but they had all changed their looks since the massacre. "Let me tell you about reality making. I lived through this. So did Lily. Okay? Life is life. Doesn't imitate anything."
"Come on, Randy." Mickey said. "With all do respect, the killer obvious patterned himself after 2 serial killers who have been immortalized on film."
"Thank you." The 2 boys in the front nodded.
"Are you suggesting that someone's trying to make a real life sequel?" The teacher asked.
"Stab 2?" Randy asked.
"Who would wanna do that sequels suck." Delilah said, causing another uproar. "Oh please, please. By definition alone they're inferior films."
"It's bullshit generalization." Mickey said. "Many sequels have surpassed their original."
"Oh yeah?" Randy asked.
"Name one." Cici and Delilah said.
"Aliens." The first boy from earlier said. "Far better than the first."
"Yeah, we'll, there's no accounting for taste." Cici shrugged.
"Thank you." Randy said. "The Ridley Scott rules. Name another."
"No Aliens is a classic okay?" The second boy said. " 'Get away from her you bitch!' "
"I believe the line is 'Stay away from her, you bitch.' " Delilah said, raising her eyebrows. "It's film class, right?"