viii| not in my movie

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"What the hell?" She muttered.

"Oh look who decided to wake up." Billy smirked. He picked her up by her hair and threw her next to Sidney.

"Delilah." Sidney whimpered as she held her friend. Billy kicked Delilah in her shot leg. She yelled out in pain.

"Houston we have problem here." Stu said.

"What?" Billy asked.

"The gun man!" Stu said. "The gun. I put it right here and now it's not there."

"Where the fuck is it?" Billy asked.

"Right here asshole." Gale said, pointing the gun at Stu and Billy.

"I thought she was dead." Billy said.

"She looked dead, man." Stu said. "Still does."

"I've got an ending for you." Gale said. "The reporter left for dead in the news van comes to, stumbles on you 2 dipshits, finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day."

"I like that ending." Sidney says, holding onto Delilah.

"I know something you don't." Billy said. Gale went to shoot Billy but it wouldn't fire. Billy grabbed her arm and kicked her against the banister where she fell onto Dewey.

"Yeah man." Stu said.

"Awww so sweet." Billy grumbled.

"Come on, Lila." Sidney whispered. Sidney helped Delilah into the closet where she grabbed the phone and voice changer.

"This is Gale Weathers signing off." Billy said.

"You guys are gonna love this." Stu said, but he noticed that Sidney and Delilah were no longer there. "Oh shit."

"What?" Billy asked. He then also noticed that they were gone. Sidney decided that would be the perfect time to call them.

"Hello?" Billy answered.

"Are you alone in the house?" Sidney asked.

"Bitch!" Billy yelled. "You bitch where the fuck are you?!"

"Not so fast." Sidney said. "We're gonna play a little game. It's called guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass!"

"Find her you dipshit!" Billy said, pointing the gun at Stus head. "Get up!"

"I can't." Stu whined. "You cut me to deep. I think I'm dying here man."

"Talk to her." Billy said.

"Hello?" Stu said.

"Oh Stu, Stu, Stu, what's your motive?" Sidney asked as she applied pressure on Delilah's wound. "Billy's got one, the police are on their way, what are you gonna tell them?"

"Peer pressure." Stu said. "I'm far to sensitive."

Billy grabbed the phone. "We'll rip you open you bitch! Just like your fucking mother!"

"You gotta find me first you pansy ass mommas boy!" Sidney exclaimed.

"Fuck!" Billy exclaimed and threw the phone at Stu.

"Ah!" Stu cried. "You fucking hit me with a phone dick!"

Billy ran through the house breaking things to try and find Sidney.

Stu picked up the phone. "Did you rweawy call da police?"

"You bet your sorry ass I did." Sidney said.

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me." Stu sobbed.

"Ah!" Billy screamed. "Bitch!"

He walked through the hallways and that's when Sidney decided to make herself known. She stabbed him with an up really twice and then grabbed the gun.

Stu came around the corner and tackled Sidney. They wrestled around and Delilah got off the ground.

"I always had a thing for ya Sid!" She heard Stu yell. She began to grow dizzy but she continued walking anyway. Sidney broke a vase over his head before rubbing away. Stu grabbed her ankle and began dragging her towards him. Delilah used the energy she had left to push the television over Stu's head. He was electrocuted.

"Oh my God, Delilah." Sidney sighed as she grabbed her friend and hugged her. Delilah held onto Sidney as she helped her walk into the foyer.

Sidney grabbed the ghostface mask and looked at it. She helped Delilah sit down.

Delilah screamed when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, sorry sorry." Rand said.

"Oh my God, Randy I thought you were dead." Sidney said.

"I probably should be." Randy said. "I've never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin."

He then turned to Delilah before getting punched in the face.

"Randy!" Delilah cried before Billy stuck his finger in her bullet wound. She screamed and held her leg as Billy pinned Sidney to the ground and began choking her.

"Say hello to your mother." He said.

Sidney stuck her finger into Billy's stab wound. "Yeah how do you like it, fucker."

He was about to stab her before he got shot by Gale. Billy coughed up his blood before finally dying.

Sidney helped Delilah and Randy up. Randy put his arm around Delilah in comfort.

"Guess I remembered the safety that time bastard." Gale said.

"Careful, this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one final scare." Randy said as he leaned against Delilah who was leaning against Gale.

Billy sat up but Sidney shot him right between the eyes. Billy was dead for good.

"Not in my movie." Sidney said.

A loud noise then came from the closet. Everyone screamed.

"Dad." Sidneys voice shook. "Randy help me out."

Randy slid against the wall and then helped Delilah down.

Soon enough, the ambulance and police arrived. Randy, Dewey and Delilah were all taken to the hospital.

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