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A LITTLE WHILE LATER, RANDY, DELILAH AND DEWEY MET UP WITH GALE. they had given the reporter their ideas on the murders and we're waiting for her to put in her input.

"all right, let's assume the killer is repeating woodsboro-" she was cut off by her phone ringing. the woman picked up the phone. "yes?"

"i have bob calling."

"i'll have to call you back." gale said with raised eyebrows. she hung up the phone as dewey began to speak.

"that doesn't explain sidney's attack. sidney wasn't killed in woodsboro." dewey said.

"wasn't for a lack of trying." randy said, holding his girlfriends hand. "the killers trying to finish what was started."

"well sids under protection right?" gale asked. dewey nodded as gales phone rang again. "what?"

"bob really needs to talk to you-"

"tell bob i'll call him back." gale argued.

"when'd she start smoking?" dewey asked.

"ever since those nude pictures on the internet." randy said.

"how do you know about that?" delilah asked with raised eyebrows.

randy stuttered before hale went to speak again. "it was just my head. it was jennifer anistons body. anyways you're forgetting something. i'm woodsboro there were more victims before the homestretch. tatum," dewey and delilah looked down. "my cameraman, himbry-"

"time out." joel said. "see i don't need to be hearing about no dead cameraman alright? now i'm warning you guys i am a verb away from vacating those premises. i'm gonna get me some coffee, donuts. prozac. see if i can find some crack, special k—x—not malcom, and i'll be back when you guys start talking about something a little more saved by the bellish, alright?"

"that's fair." delilah shrugged.

"he seems a little shaky." dewey said.

"don't worry about him." hale dismissed her cameraman. "if the killer is following a pattern, then maybe we can figure out who's next."

"i wouldn't follow a killers pattern." dewey said. "we were all involved in woodsboro. could be any one of us."

okay so what do you wanna do, bonehead?"hale asked heatedly. "sit here and wait and she's who drops next?"

"well i don't know-" dewey spoke as gales phone rang. "phonehead."

the ringing got to randy as he huffed and picked up the phone. "gales not here!"

"i'm not interrupting anything, am i? you four look deep in thought. have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh and scrape the bone?"

delilah felt her whole body freeze as randy brought the phone down from his ear and placed the palm of his hand on the speaker. "it's him."

"who?" dewey asked.

"the killer." randy responded breathlessly. "he can see us."

the quartet stood up, delilah grabbed randy's arm. dewey turned to randy. "just keep him on the phone."

"what do you want me to say?" randy asked, side eyeing dewey.

"i-i don't know." dewey said. "just keep him talking. come on gale."

"i'm gonna go find sidney." delilah said, looking at randy with her eyes wide from fear. "i love you."

"i love you too." randy said with a nod, watching the love of his life sprint off in search for his friend.

"uh hi."

delilah didn't have any luck finding sidney but she was called to the sheriffs office. dewey held the girls hand tightly as she saw her friends sitting around a table—dewey, sidney and hallie.

"dewey, what is it?" delilah asked, looking around. "where's randy?"

dewey sucked in a breath. "delilah..." she knew something bad had happened. he never called her delilah. "randy-randy was attacked." delilah felt her heart drop. "when we were looking for the killer he-he pulled randy into the news van and stabbed him...a lot."

"no." delilah said, shaking her head. "no n-not randy!" delilah began to sob loudly. "not him! why him?!" sidney looked down at her hands as she listened to her friend sob.

"that shouldn't of been randy." sidney said. "it should've been me."

"sid." delilah said, swallowing a cry. "randy would've rather it been him than us. he loved us. i-i should call his mom."

dewey knew that randy wasn't truly dead. in fact, randy had been saved and was in the hospital. he was alice but just barely. and he hated lying to delilah but he had to make it believable. and so he had to lie.

"the hospital already made that phone call." dewey said. there was a pause as dewey looked at his two friends—sisters. "are you okay?"

"stop treating me like glass dewey." sidney said. "i'm not gonna break."

"it's okay to break." hallie said, her voice cracking slightly.

"it's not gonna happen."sidney said before turning to delilah. "you okay?" she rubbed her friends back.

"no." delilah responded. "i'm gonna go back to my dorm."

delilah stood up just as cotton weary went on a rampage. she ignored it as she walked out and back to her dorm.

once she got here she opened the door and was immediately reminded of randy and cici. she looked around. the place smelled of cici's perfume. she looked over to the couch where delilah and randy had made love the night before. and now he was gone.

delilah slammed the door and slammed her head against it as she slid down to the floor. her sobs were loud as she let out all the pain she felt of losing the people she loved. tatum. stu. casey. steve. cici. and now randy. everyone was gone.

Hopeless Place| Randy Meeks¹ Where stories live. Discover now