Chapter Thirty- Eight

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Golden rays of sunlight streamed in through sheer curtains, illuminating the lively environment within. The remnants of breakfast littered across the table, plates and cups scattered around the room. Darla rested upon a settee in the solar, attention fixated on the needle and fabric in her hand.

"They're finally leaving!" Viseryn called over his shoulder. He and Aegon were pressed closely to the large windows beside the settees, peering through glass panes at the courtyard below.

"Do you think father cried?" Aegon jeered, a cruel grin lighting up his face. "His favorite child off to.."

"Dragonstone." Darla finished for the young teen, knowing he had not been paying attention when he was originally told.

"Dragonstone should be Rhaemon's," Alicent huffed from her spot tucked into Darla's side, watching Darla's stitches and offering guidance when needed. "It should remain empty until Rhaemon and Helaena are wed, allow them to choose whether to occupy it or not."

"So long as Rhaenyra is gone I have no care," Darla replied, dropping the embroidery onto her lap. One of her hands tilted Alicent's chin up, staring down at honey brown eyes. Her fingers trailed down Alicent's slender neck, wrapping around the delicate golden chain she wore. "Perhaps we might celebrate."

"Darla, the children." Alicent chastised, a rosy hue blooming across her cheeks.

"Must you two be so-" Aegon groaned, having turned away from the window at some point.

"In love?" Darla offered, flashing a teasing grin at the boy.

"Sickening." Aegon finished, his face stoic though his eyes glinted with a playful demeanor.

"And what of you and Viseryn?" Darla taunted, chuckling as Aegon's eyes widened and his pale skin stained a crimson red.

"That is- I-" Aegon sputtered out.

Taking pity on the young prince she had helped raise, Darla looked to the trio sitting on the settee opposite of her. Helaena and Rhaemon quietly conversed, whispering over the cricket in the small wooden cage, no doubt newly captured by Rhaemon. Aemond leaned against the armrest, furthest from his siblings. His brow furrowed, eyes furiously scanning the pages of his book.

"A moment, Dragonfly," Helaena's head perked up at the pet name, watching as Darla lifted the embroidery for her to see. "What do you think?"

"It's perfect." Helaena's eyes eagerly studied the embroidered spiders and webs.

"I dare say it will be ready for your name day celebration."

"Thank you, mama." The girl softly smiled, turning back to her eldest brother.

Rhaemon preened under Helaena's attention, grinning as she launched back into detailing her observations on the captured insect.

"I'm grateful to you," Alicent sighed, capturing one of Darla's hands in her own. "For you. I thank the gods for hearing my prayers and sending you to me, for giving me this little family."

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