they meet

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Quackitys POV

New place new start I guess I just don't know why my parents had to move to this shit hole honestly why couldn't we of stayed in Mexico it was so much better there.I sat in the car thinking to myself for the rest of the way until they got to the new house
"Hunny we are here now you need to get out ok"my mum would say .
" yeh I know mum I'm getting out but I still don't know why we had to come here"I replied
"Well we had to come here because of your dad and his business" she replied back to me
"Well fuck dads business I never wanted to come here anyway it's a shit hole I just want to go back home" I stormed inside and looked for the bathroom locking myself in there "why did I just do that it's not even her fault we moved here it's his I should be mad at him not her" I sobbed for a while but then I heard a bang on the door not the good kind the bad kind like your in alot trouble.

I got up and open the door and saw my dad there
"Look I'm sorry I didn't mean to shout at her I was just annoyed ok I never wanted to come to this stupid place and how is any of this benefiting me"I said calmly trying to make my dad a bit calmer so he wouldn't hit me again.
" I'm trying to make money to keep you happy and healthy so that's how it's benefiting you and go to the shop for your mum she needs sugar"he said and left.
I sighed in relief and get my shoes on and try and find a shop I remember were it was because I had been here before when we came just visiting not actually moving here I was still annoyed about the whole thing but I had to stay calm.

Eventually I had gotten to the shop and so I walked in and started to search for the sugar but then I wasn't looking were I was going and I bumped into something or someone I turned around to see a tall man next to me
"Oh shit I'm so sorry I wasn't looking were I was going" I said hopefully he wouldn't get annoyed with me and start an argument with me because I really don't need that today.
He replied "oh no it's fine don't worry about it I wasn't looking where I was going either so I'm sorry for that wait are you one of the people that moved in next door"
"Oh yeh I am sorry for all the shouting before we had just lost something and its yeh it's hard to explain" I replied it was a bit awkward seeing as I don't know this guy very well I don't even know his name.
"Oh no it's fine don't worry about it we all have little family disagreements oh yeh I should probably introduce myself I'm Wilbur" he put his hand out.
I shook his hand and replied with "oh nice to meet you Wilbur I'm quackity" I let go of his hand and smile "umm well I better get going before my parents start to get worried" I grabbed the sugar off of the shelf and then see a smaller boy run up to Wilbur with a big chocolate bar "Tommy your not having all that chocolate techno would kill me so go put that one back and pick a smaller one ok"
The small one frowned "come on please I promise I won't tell him"
"But you will be hyper and he will wonder why" he frowned replied back to him.
"Oh who is this" I questioned.
He replied with "oh yeh this is my little brother Tommy"
Tommy smiled at me "nice to meet you what's your name" he questioned
"Oh yeh it's quackity and mucho gusto" I forgot that I wasn't in Mexico and the kid doesn't know what the hell I'm saying shit"oh sorry I forgot I wasn't in Mexico I said nice to meet you"I smiled and the boys face light up"WOAH YOU CAN SPEAK A DIFFERENT LANGUAGE THAT'S SO COOL"his older brother tried to calm him down and then looked at me" I'm so sorry for this"he apologized
"Hey it's fine don't worry about it he's a kid so it's fine I would be a bit weirded out if it was a fully grown adult who did that but I hope to see you around then" I smiled at him.
"Yeh see you around" I walked away and go pay for the sugar and then walked home to my parents.

(849 words)

explosive love ❤ (quackity x wilbur)Where stories live. Discover now