the house

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Quackitys pov
When we got to the house Wilbur had taken his key put to unlock the door and when he had done so we entered it was very homely and you could tell a family lived here in like my house which was dark and cold but I liked there house it was nice "hey quackity do you want to go to my room maybe" Wilbur questioned me.
"Yeh sure sounds good" I would reply. Then I heard someone coming down the stairs when I looked it was Tommy and he looked excited to see them both they must be good brothers then.

Tommy's pov
When I heard they had gotten back from school I quickly rushed down stairs and hugged Wilbur then techno "hey bud why you home so early" techno would ask me.
"Ummm well I kinda started a fight with this one kid but he deserved it ok he was really pissing me off" I would reply to him. Then he would grin and say"did you win though" I would nod with a big smile then I felt someone smack the back of my head "owwww Wilbur what was that for" I wined at him.
"For getting into a fight and swearing you can't get suspended that goes on your record and that's not good you need to get your head together" he would say to me
"Whatever you say then but still oh yeh I'm grounded so while dadza is out techno you have to make sure I don't do anything" I passed him the note Phil left for him and then I smiled and look at him.

Techno's pov
I took the note off of him and read it and then I grabbed his hand and took him into the living room and explain what I was going to do with my plan "so yeh you can't go to Wilbur until quackity goes home ok I need them to get to know each other better so then they can get together" I smiled at him and he nodded and sat on the couch and then we heard two set of footsteps go up the stairs and we grinned at each other my plan has just began.

Quackity's pov
Me and Wilbur had just gotten into his room it was a nice room it had some band posters on the wall there were also some vinals on the wall as well then I saw a guitar in the corner "hey Wilbur do you play" I would point at it he would nod band at me"yeh I could play you something of you like"he would ask me.
I would reply with"yes please that would be nice"I smiled he would start to strum the instrument and I would smile and listen when he had finished I gave him a little clap and he just smiled at me "hey do you want to sit down" he would point to a chair in his room I would nod on sit down "so how long have you been playing for" I would question him
"Well I got my first guitar at 14 so quite a few years" he would look at me and smirk at me which made me blush a little "umm so what sort of music do you listen to" he would ask me shit ummm what do I say what if he doesn't like that band wait why do I even care shit do I like him no I can't I just can't "umm well I quite like bon jovi" shit why did I say that he probably doesn't know who that is "oh really I didn't think you would listen to him he's good isn't he'' I would nod " so who's your favorite " I would ask him now seeing what he likes "well you see I quite like queen there good you know they have fun music to listen to" he would smile at me.

Wilbur's pov
I looked at him and stared at all of his features he's just so perfect in every way ugh I can't fall for him because I can't let what happened last time it's not worth it and he's probably not even gay which is kinda sad but eh he's a good friend so that's all I need a good friend so that's not to bad but still he's just so hot I can't deal with it ugh I want him to be mine now even though I don't know him very well bit it's ok I just want him it's so unfair "umm do you want to watch something like a film" I asked hopefully he would say yes then we could lay on my bed and watch it and it would be super fun
"Umm yeh sure sounds good but what film" he asked
I smiled at him and said"I don't mind" I was hoping he wouldn't choose a horror but I don't mind of he did "umm what about the shining it's a horror movie" he suggested.
Shit I guess it will be ok I got into my bed and I patted a spot next to me for him to sit next to me he sat down and I put the film on but I got a bit scared and jumped onto quackity.

Quackity's POV
When we were watching the movie I felt something lach onto me and I looked next to me and it was wilbur he had gotten scared and held onto me cute he so cute how did I get so lucky with a friend like wilbur he's just so amazing I only just realized that I was starring at him and when he looked up he saw me and blushed a little which I thought was cute but still I can't catch feelings for him but it's to hard not to ugh why does he make it so difficult not to though then I heard a little knock on the door "COME IN" wilbur shouted. The door opened slightly and there was Tommy "techno made tea you two need to come down now and need to stop making out up here" he giggled and then ran off me and wilbur went go bright red and went to go down stairs. wilbur sat down and then he looked at me and pat the seat next to him and so I sat next to him and started to eat when everyone else did and then techno said "so how was your make out session" he smirked wilbur went go bright red and kick techno under the table "shut it did you two have fun then"
"Yes we did actually" techno stared into Wilbur's eyes and they were having a starring competition but techno won after tea we all went into the living room and it got to About 8pm and I realized that my dad will kill me because I didn't tell him were I was and then I said "umm I better be getting home now as it's getting late and my parents will want me home'' I smiled a little "oh yeah I didn't realize the time umm see you tomorrow I'll show you to the door" wilbur said he got up and showed me out and I waved to him and then got to my house and walk in. I heard my dad shout but I couldn't hear what he said.

(1270 words this was a long chapter)

explosive love ❤ (quackity x wilbur)Where stories live. Discover now