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Quackity's pov

When I got home some of
the box's were all unpacked and then I walked into the kitchen and saw my mum making something "hey mum I'm sorry about before
I didn't mean to shout at
She turned around and hug me tightly and smile and said "it's ok sweetie I forgive you did you get the sugar?" I let go of her and nodded and passed her the sugar "there you go I'm going to go chill in my room see ya later" I ran upstairs and found my room and laid on my bed then sighed "wait I never got wilbur's number damnit" but why am I so bothered that I didn't get his number eh it doesn't matter if I see him again then I'll ask him for it.

Wilbur's pov
I went to go and pay for my stuff and made sure Tommy was next to me we aren't having a repeat of last time no way I looked down at him and smiled "Tommy I'm sorry you couldn't get the big chocolate bar but you did get that one so that's good isn't it"
He replied "yeah I guess but still I wanted that one" I would laugh a little but then I felt him let go of my hand shit until I looked in front of me then I saw him running up to techno which was a relief I would walk up to them both and smile but then pass one of the bags to techno then he said "hey I'm not carrying your bag wait what the hell did you even get "
I looked at him and said "hey it's not even my stuff in there it's all Tommy's he kept putting things in there and I couldn't stop him ok so it's not my fault oh yeh I met one of the neighbors before he seems nice"
Techno smirked at me "is he boyfriend material"
I pushed his arm"shut up I don't like every boy that I see ok he was hot but I don't even know him ok"
Then Tommy chimed in and said "techno he was super hot defiantly boyfriend material" they both laughed together and I shook my head"look he might not even be gay you know you could just be assuming things about him ok that might not even be true for all you know "I kept walking in front of them while they were laughing together I smiled because it was nice them bonding together normally it was just me and Tommy or me and techno to be honest he never really took to Tommy very well but I think he's getting to like him now.

Quackity's pov

I was lay in my bed just chilling and messing on my phone I was mainly messaging with my friends because I really miss them but then I heard the door slam that could only mean bad thing were about to acure. All of a sudden my bedroom door swung open and there stud my dad " this is all your fault every thing is your fault I wish you weren't my son at all" he hit me a few times and then left. when he left I let out a few tears and then tried to get some sleep because that was probably the only good idea that I could do at this time of night.

Wilbur's pov
*a few hours after they got home*
I was laying in my room about 11pm and then I saw my door open and there stud Tommy "Wilbur I had a nightmare can I get in with you" I looked at him and shook my head ''Tommy no your 12 now you can't get in with me but I can put you back to bed and make you a hot chocolate ok" he smiled a little "ok then but can I tell you what happened when you come back" I nodded and went downstairs to make it after I had made it I went back upstairs and passed it to him and he explained what had happened I tucked him in and went back to my room and I had remembered that I hadn't given quackity my number shit I'll give it to him the next time I see him eventually I went to sleep.

No ones pov
Both of them slept through the night Wilbur relaxed but quackity slightly crying in his sleep but he managed to stay asleep that night they both thought of each other and how they were going to get to know each other a little better or how they were going to make each other theres but then the sun started to rise and it was time to go to school for the day hopeing they would see each other there.

(829 word)
New chapter coming soon

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