Chapter 10

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Jungkook's POV

My hands were shaking and I gathered myself to wipe my tears. If something horrible happened to Chimmy and Jimin I would never forgive myself. I grabbed my keys out of my pocket, stuffed my phone in my pocket and got in the car cranking it up quickly and sped off. 

As soon as I arrived at the apartment I ran quickly to Rose's apartment. I banged on the door panting and she opened the door smiling but then instantly her expression changed to that of concern.

"Oh my gosh, Jungkook what is it?" 

I took a deep breath so I could answer her without hyperventilating.

"I took Chimmy to the park...and I...I..I don't know what happened one minute he was playing and the next minute he was gone. When I tried to find him, he was being kidnapped by some guys who sped off in a van with him. I don't know what do Rose." 

Rose's eyes widened and she put her hands to her mouth.

"OH my god. We need to call the police right away." She said frantically. 

"I...I don't think I can." I sniffed as we walked to my apartment. 

She rubbed my back as we entered my apartment and sat at the couch with me but she looked very distraught as well. 

She rubbed my back as we entered my apartment and sat on the couch with me but she looked very distraught as well.

"I shouldn't have taken my eyes off him, I..I thought he was safe. He was playing." I put my head in my hands and cried my eyes out. 

"I know this is scary, but the best thing to do is to call the police. Does he have any relatives you can call, you said he has a caretaker?"

"I don't have his number and...and I'm so afraid to tell any of them anyway." 

Rose sighed and her eyes frantically shifted back and forth as she bit her lip thinking.

"Poor Chimmy." 

"There's something you should know." I said with a shaky breath. 

Rose just tilted her head. 

"Chimmy is not like other people, he's different." I swallowed hard and bit my lip. "Chimmy is a dog hybrid." 

She lowered her hand from my back and blinked at me. 

"A dog hybrid?"

I nodded and looked down. 

"It's why I was always trying to get you to leave all of a sudden or, making you stand outside. HE is a puppy and a human and that's why I think the people were interested in taking him." 

"They're very rare and almost unheard of." She said. 

I nodded wiping my eyes as more tears fell. 

"I didn't know anything about Hybrids. He told me." 

"Who told you?" She asked curiously.

"Well, um a friend of mine. He explained to me what Chimmy was." 

Rose looked more worried.

"We really need to find him Jungkook. The things people do to hybrids is sickening. They're half animals so people feel its ok to butcher, torture and sell their animal parts." Rose said, her own eyes tearing up. "There must be something we can do, we can't just sit here." 

My eyes watered up again, "What can we do? I don't remember the license plate of the van and I don't have anyone's number. And...I really don't want to call the police." 

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