Chapter 14

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Jimin's POV

"Are you nervous?" Jungkook asked me quietly. 

I felt him staring at me long before he finally spoke. I hadn't meant to make him worry about me so much. But the way I was feeling truly couldn't be masked. As much as I wanted to pretend I was perfectly find around Jungkook, I just couldn't. I shrugged after thinking about his question. I kept my eyes on the road and thought about it. I wasn't nervous. I was empty with just a bit of hope with Yoongi's project. 

"Not nervous, just curious really. What the heck has he been working on? And why didn't he say anything to me?" 

"Maybe he thought you'd be upset since you were so set on him doing the ritual." 

I hummed and pushed the gas a little harder.

"Seems it doesn't matter, I'm a weak emotional wreck with and without Chimmy." 

"I don't know why you think Chimmy makes you weak. He's cute and innocent."

"Which I'm not." 

"He's just your cute side that's all. It's not so bad as you make it seem Jimin." 

I rolled my eyes. He didn't get it. He wouldn't, he wasn't a hybrid. Most hybrids didn't even get it, I'd always been different. Two different sides of me, not one whole like my hybrid peers. It was exhausting and embarrassing. But even so, I'd gotten used to Chimmy and dealt with it a bit better once I met Yoongi and he did the split spell. Allowing me to separate me as a person and the baby hybrid side completely.

It had worked. I should have just left it at that. But I wanted to be in charge all the time. Even though the new spell allowed me to only be under for one week, it still scared me that I had no control of what was going on and more importantly I couldn't protect Chimmy. Protecting Chimmy was like protecting my inner child, the soft innocent side of me as Jungkook had said. He wasn't wrong about that. 

All of it seemed irrelevant now though, now I just wanted to go back to normal. To feel whole and complete and like a hybrid again. There was an appeal to being human, I loved the mundaneness of it all, their normal ears and weak senses. All of the simple things about humans felt exciting and adventurous and it had been for a while. 

But with the recent changes in my life, with meeting Jungkook and Chimmy almost getting hurt, it was all making me a bit sad and homesick. I was feeling more vulnerable and lonely than ever. I was longing for something familiar, familiar as in things I grew up with, people I grew up around my own kind. I felt bad for feeling like that, but this feeling of emptiness that consumed me left me feeling extremely small and I needed something that made me feel safe and loved like when I was small. 

I hated to say it, but I wanted my mom. Even Jungkook's love wasn't soothing my lonely sad heart, and I knew I was becoming clingy and needy. I just couldn't be alone, not now. He was probably growing super annoyed with me. 

"Jimin, I think you passed the road...Jimin?" I heard Jungkook's voice interrupt my thoughts. 

"Shit." I turned the wheel fast and swung the car into a deep u-turn making Jungkook hit up against the door. 


"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." 

"Yeah, you've been like that a lot lately." 

I glanced at him and just nodded pulling into the deep pathway of the forest. Yoongi was such a recluse. I pulled up to the secluded house in the woods and sighed turning the car off and looked at Jungkook.

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