Chapter 6

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Jimin's POV

I watched as Jungkook sat there on the couch, waiting for me to explain everything. My heart was racing, I had never been so nervous in my life. I never planned for Jungkook to know about this part of my life, but what could I do. He found out about Chimmy and I hated to see him upset. The last thing I wanted to do was upset him. I sighed and bit my lip just wondering where to start. 

"What I'm about to tell's a little farfetched and I need you to keep an open mind." 

"Oh god you are into kinky baby play." Jungkook said.

"What? No, no just listen." 

Jungkook nodded and I ran my hands through my hair sighing. 

"I'm not like other people. I'm not like you or anyone else you've ever known." I could see the question all over his face. I'm a hybrid." 

"A hybrid of what?" 

"I'm half human and half dog. Or in my case I guess half puppy." 

Jungkook just sat there on the couch, his mouth slightly open and eyes wide. He had the most confused look on his face. I just continued. 

"There are different parts of this world. Different dimensions, areas with thin veils that lead to other universes." Jungkook's face mad me chuckle. "It always trips me out how you humans think your universe and reality is the only one. There's tons. Where I'm from, there is a species of hybrids. It's as normal as you all walking around as humans." 

" like your mom had sex with a dog?" 

"No! How disrespectful! I told you already, it's a species as is. We're born as hybrids, hybrids mate, have kids etc. There are all types, my parents are dog hybrids. And they made me. Sometimes hybrids of different types mate and they have a tribrid. But I'm just a hybrid, my parents are both dog hybrids.

"So your parents...they this other universe?" He asked slowly.

I nodded and examined his face to see how he was doing so far. 

"Ok...but like...what does any of this have to do with all the guys and them treating you like a baby?" He asked confused. 

"I'm getting to that." I took a deep breath. "You see, most hybrids are one. There is no division of their human half and their animal half. They're just one, always. But I've always been different. I've always felt different from my animal side. Like way different, we've never been one. Even before the spell."


I just nodded and continued, "I'll get to that. So when I saw I was so different form the other hybrids my age, it began to be an issue and I isolated myself. When I was old enough to walk through the veil -"

"The veil?" 

"yes, the thin lining between the worlds. At 21 all hybrids can pass through it should they choose to. I chose to and came over here. But the way there are many magical things in this universe as well that you humans pass by and don't notice all the time." 

Jungkook just blinked, "What?" 

I just nodded, "Yup, but I won't freak you out too much, let me continue. So when I came over here, I really got tired of my animal side, his name is Chimmy."

"So he's like completely separate from who you are?"  

"He wasn't always, we were one but not as much as we should have been. There was much conflict even physically. It was bad. So I searched for someone who knew about magic, practiced the arts." 

Who's Daddy - Jikook (A Hybrid Story)Where stories live. Discover now