Chapter 37

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(I don't even know what I'm writing anymore lol. These will be the last two chapters) 

Jungkook's POV

"What do you mean you don't change diapers?" I asked devastated Taehyung wouldn't help.

He chuckled a bit and shook his head, "Just what I said, I don't do that. In fact it's time for me to head out. He's getting cranky and I just helped Jin for three weeks with a cranky little hybrid. So have fun." He tapped me on the shoulder and left.

I scoffed and turned back to Chimmy who was whining and kicking his feet removing his pants at his ankles. I sighed and pulled his legs still so I could finish the diaper change. 

"I can't do everything." I muttered.

I glanced at Joonie and he lifted his brow.

"Do you know how to change a diaper?"

He shrugged and I motioned him to come and showed him how to remove the diaper and clean him.

"I have food on the stove. So just clean him up real good and pull the tap securing the diaper on him ok?" I said showing him.

Joonie nodded and I watched him for a bit to make sure he had it under control and hurried to wash my hands and continue dinner. Chimmy had started getting fussy and refused to take a bottle. Jimin had been gone all day and I was beyond ready for him to get home. Part of me felt it was why Chimmy was getting restless. He'd already been away from Jimin for a few weeks, he was probably getting anxious of him being away again for so long. The two had such a unique bond it was sometimes discouraging for me. I wanted us to be like a family and Chimmy our baby. But Chimmy was clearly a daddy's boy. 

I sighed as I heard him crying in the living room and quickly stirred the Kimchi fried rice on the skillet. Taehyung leaving didn't help. Tae had a way of keeping Chimmy calm and playing with him. Chimmy could be having a full out tantrum, screaming with tears streaming and Taehyung would play with him and have him giggling through those tears and playing forgetting why he was crying. I guess Tae had his limits though, where even he got tired. I understood he was with Chimmy the whole time we were gone though. Well helped Jin here and there at least. 

It got quiet in the living room and hurried to poke my head over to see and Joonie and Chimmy were gone. I guessed he took him to his room and just returned to my skillet glad he'd gotten him to stop crying. I glanced at the clock and sighed seeing the neon numbers read 11:00pm. Jimin had been gone all day. I knew he got busy at work and had stated he had to play catch up but I had hoped he would be home by now. 

I made the plates and called Joonie and Chimmy to the kitchen but instead of running to the table, I heard Chimmy scream angrily followed by wailing. I hurried to the back and Joonie was standing there looking upset.

"What happened?" I asked alarmed.

"Nothing, I just took the cords out of Chimmy's hand. He was trying to put them in his mouth. I was just showing him different songs I made and he yanked them out. He can't do that, it won't work."

"I know Joonie, it's ok." I said sensing how upset he was too. 

I could understand. Jimin had just gotten it for him and it was his very own music maker as he called it. 

"Chimmy you can't do that." I said picking him up.

Chimmy dropped his weightless body in my arms though not wanting to be picked up and slumped and fought against me. I sighed and walked out the room and told Joonie to follow but he was busy putting all of his cords back and plugging things back in. 

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