Chapter 31

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Jimin's POV

"Come on Chimmy, we're almost there." I said frustrated with the crying hybrid. 

I pulled him by his wrist as tears ran down his face.  His other hand reached out behind him mourning the loss of his egg that had fallen while crossing the street. He still clutched a fish cake in his other hand and tried to pull his wrist out of my grip to eat it. But I was on a mission to get to the hospital and with every minute that passed regretted not taking some sort of transportation. 

Chimmy tried to pull back against me but I pulled him along easily. I hoisted his diaper bag up on my shoulder and tightened my grip on his wrist as he cried louder.

"Chimmy I will get you another egg, come on!" I shouted.

I was eager to get to the hospital. Joonie was finally awake, finally awake. I had been visiting and because of the shit with Jungkook I hadn't been in a day or so. I missed a day to visit him and he wakes up! He was probably so afraid and confused. 

I sighed out in relief when I saw the big hospital come into view and grow bigger as I speed walked towards it. 

About ten minutes later I finally approached the lobby with a crying Chimmy. He was having a full out meltdown. I tried to give him his binky but he pulled it out and chunked it across the lobby.

"Goddammit Chimmy!" I muttered going to get it.

"Hi, can I help you?" The lady behind the desk said looking at me disapproving.

"Yeah...sorry about him. I'm here to see my brother. Park Joonie."

She looked at me for a long time, "I don't think he's the problem."

I groaned and held my head as Chimmy was having a full out tantrum. Of all places he had to do this here. 

The lady typed something in her computer and handed me a clipboard. I took it letting go of Chimmy's hand so I could fill it out. 

"Please sign here and hand me your ID." She said and stood up leaning towards Chimmy. 

As I was filling out the form I noticed she smiled sweetly at Chimmy and handed him a sucker.

Chimmy sniffed and wiped his eyes nodding and took it settling down. She smiled a bit and shot a judgmental look towards me. I just sighed and put my focus back on the form taking note that Chimmy slid down to a sitting position and sucked on his lollipop. 

I was just glad he settled down, he was completely making a scene. I finished filling out the form and handed it back. She glared at me a bit and took it back.

"Thank you." She said clacking her nails on the keyboard. 

I sighed and she stopped typing and looked at me then went back to typing. What was her problem? She printed out a sticker and made a guest pass handing it to me.

"He's no longer in the emergency room. He's been moved to a regular floor unit in the main hospital. Section A room 314." She said.

I nodded and bowed thanking her and looked down to Chimmy taking his hand. He was still clinging to the fishcake in his other hand so went for his wrist again so not to mess with his candy in his hand as he sucked and licked on it happily. 

We walked a little ways down the hall and made it to the elevators when Chimmy yanked out of my grip and ran back down the hall.

"Chimmy! Wait!" I yelled.

I was way too tipsy for this and was quickly growing agitated. Then what I saw next only made me that much more frustrated. 

"Kookie!" Chimmy said running.

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