FINAL Chapter 38

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Jimin's POV

"Chimmy still sleep?" I asked after Jungkook came back from checking on him.

He nodded, "He was up so late. He was determined to stay awake until you got home."

"Yeah he might have a little separation anxiety from me being away so long. We were literally within the same body his whole life so...that's on me. I've just gotta reassure him I won't be gone like that again."

He nodded and ran his hands through his damp hair. We'd both showered after our hot morning sex and Jungkook was ready to go again with him on top. But I'd told him to wait. I wasn't crazy about being a bottom and needed some time to prepare myself for it mentally and work up to it. I was only doing it because I knew it was something he wanted for a while and had asked about on several occasions. If he could submit to my rules, I guessed I could submit to his one request. 

 "We're going to the store, you're not wearing that." I said seeing he put on another of his sexy outfits I got him.

"Why not?"

"Because I'll have to fight whoever stares at you. Take it off."

He laughed softly and took it off putting on a more casual outfit. 

"There, sweat pants and a large shirt. Better?"

"You're still hot, but yeah." 

He blushed and smiled that adorable smile making me pull him into my lap and kiss him hard.

"You're so adorable you know that."

He put his arms around my neck, "Mmmm, so why are we going to the store?"

"Well, if you're going to top we need some more lube. A lot of it. That and I need to get a few more things for Joonie and Chimmy."

He nodded, "Ok, Joonie's awake. Are we leaving Chimmy here with him?"

"No, we'll wait until Chimmy's awake and bring them both.

He nodded and we did just that. I made breakfast for us and we enjoyed a quiet breakfast together. Joonie insisted he wasn't hungry and Chimmy was still asleep. We didn't end up heading out until the afternoon. The first stop I made was to the adult store, in which I left Jungkook in the car with Joonie and Chimmy. 

Then we went to the market and I let Joonie walk the isles and pick out food he thought he might like. I also let him pick out some other things he might like in his room. The market was huge and had a mix of everything. Clothes, food, furniture, everything was in one big place. So we ended up staying for hours shopping.

Joonie had collected all kinds of tiny little bears and collectables that I found cute. I was glad he was finding things he liked, I wanted him to feel at home here. And having a room that he felt reflected him was the first step.

"You might want to make sure you close your door. You know Chimmy likes toys, take it from me he doesn't know the difference between a toy and a collectable."

Jungkook chuckled, "I still can't believe you fought with him over that toy plushie."

"It was the prototype for TaTa! Not a toy!" I snapped. 

He laughed and I smacked my lips at him.


Jungkook whirled around and blinked fast as if trying to take in what he was seeing, his doe eyes wide in shock. I turned to see who he was looking at and saw a upper middle aged man standing across the way.

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