Forbidden Friendship

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A storm is brewing outside. The great doors rattle on their hinges.

Gobber: Alright. Where did Astrid go wrong in the ring today?

"Absolutely nothing wrong she was flawless in the ring." Hiccup said as Astrid gave him a kiss on his cheek

"Thanks darling." Astrid said

The recruits are seated at a table, eating dinner by the glow of the fire pit.

Astrid: I mistimed my summersault dive. It was sloppy. It threw off my traverse tumble.

Eye rolls from the group.

Ruffnut(sarcastic): Yeah. We noticed.

"Sorry, Ruffnut but let Hiccup deal with sarcasm." Heather said

Snotlout:(grabbing Astrid's hand)No, no, you were great. That was so 'Astrid'.

"It took me hours to wash that hand after you touched it." Astrid said just as Hiccup picked up the same hand which made her look then he gave it a sweet kiss that made her smile

Gobber: She's right, you have to be tough on yourselves.

CREAK. All eyes turn to Hiccup, entering the hall, sheepishly. Gobber glares at him.

Gobber(glaring at Hiccup): Where did Hiccup go wrong? He tries to take a seat at the table...

"Why are you glaring at me Gobber, I was only outside?" Hiccup asked

"I was glaring because I'll have to deal with your stubborn arse when you end up sick in bed after being out in that storm." Gobber said

"Hey, I'm not that stubborn when I'm sick." Hiccup said

"I wouldn't be so sure about that darling." Astrid said

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked

"While we were at Dragons Edge you would get sick very often after going out flying on toothless whenever it was raining which made you get sick and let me tell ya, you are the worst when you are in bed sick you would always try to get out of bed and do things and we always tell you to go back to bed to get better but you wouldn't do it so we had to use Toothless to drag you back to bed then we had to take you leg away so you could better, so yes you are stubborn when sick and it got worse when you became chief since you kept working." Astrid said as Hiccup sheepishly smiled and blushed while he rubbed the back of his neck

Ruffnut: He showed up.

Tuffnut: He didn't get eaten.

"Neither did you and we are wondering why since you and your sister always fight each other when there is something dangerous in front of you and yet you survive somehow?" Dagur asked

... but the recruits keep closing the gaps. Rolling his eyes, Hiccup sits at the vacant table next to them.

"Now that's just mean." Mala said

Astrid: He's never where he should be.

Gobber: Thank you, Astrid.

Gobber stands.

Gobber: You need to live and breathe this stuff.

Gobber lays a giant book in the center of the table.

"Isn't that the same book we had in the attic?" Zephyr asked as she woke up

"Yeah." Hiccup said

"So that book wasn't Granpa's, it was Grand uncle's Gobber's book instead." Zephyr said

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