Live and Let Fly

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[Camera pulls into a small cave, where Fishlegs is tied to a chair, being interrogated.]
Viking: Tell us what you know about the dragons, boy. Tell us how you train them!
Fishlegs: I won't talk! You can't make me!
Viking: Oh, I think we can.
[Suddenly, the lit torches in the cave go out, and Fishlegs is now bathed in an eerie darkness as he looks around in despair.]
Fishlegs: Hello? Is anybody there? Oh, you can't - you can't leave me in here. Okay, okay! Hiccup is the leader of the Berk Dragon Academy! He rides a Night Fury named Toothless! Then there's Astrid! She's mean, but in a nice way. Her dragon is Deadly Nadder, shoots spines, loves chicken! Snotlout rides a Monstrous Nightmare, we're not actually sure who's more monstrous, him or the dragon! Then there's the Twins. They share a Zippleback - actually they fight over it.

"Gees Fishlegs you broke easily." Atali said 

"I know I did, back then I was scared of everything." Fishlegs said

[We hear the familiar sound of Toothless charging a plasma blast. He and Meatlug then light the other dragon Riders' torches, now revealing their annoyed expressions because Fishlegs failed the interrogation test.]
Fishlegs: What?! You KNOW I hate the dark!
Tuffnut: Great. Fishlegs? More like "Guppylegs". Jeez...
Hiccup: Fishlegs, you can't cave in! Alvin will do a lot more than turn out the light to get you to talk. He had me locked in a dungeon ready to be executed! Toothless was chained and muzzled for days. You need to stick with what we discussed: your name, where you live, and nothing else.

"I can make Fishlegs break easyily without doing any of those." Alvin said

Fishlegs: All right, I'll work on it!
Astrid: "Mean"? I'm not mean.
Snotlout: It's okay, Astrid. I like mean girls.
Astrid: [disgusted] Ugh!
[The other Riders exit the cave, leaving Fishlegs behind.]
Fishlegs: Hey, girl. Can you untie me?
[Meatlug licks Fishlegs' face and curls up behind him.]
Fishlegs: Please?

"Did you guys just leave Fishlegs sitting there all tied up." Heather said

"Yeah we just left without Fishlegs, we thought Meatlug would untie him and he would meet up with us later." Hiccup said

"It took nearly the whole day to get loose." Fishlegs said

(The scene changes to the docks of Berk, Hiccup is walking with his father while Toothless follows behind.)
Hiccup: Grounded? All the dragons? Are you serious?
Stoick: Deadly serious. From this point forward, there is a ban on flying, period.
Hiccup: What? What about patrolling, training?
Stoick: What part of "ban on flying" did you not understand, Hiccup?

"Considering my father broke that rule as well." Hiccup said

"He's the chief Hiccup he made the rule but he can break the rule as well." Gobber said

Hiccup: But that's... That's ridiculous.
Stoick: I want that wall higher!
Viking: Aye, aye, sir!
Stoick: Are you calling your father ridiculous?
Hiccup: Of course not. I would never call my father ridiculous. I'm calling my chief ridiculous.

"That's one way get to get around that." Thork said

Stoick: Careful, son. You too, dragon.
Stoick: Put your backs into it, boys!
Hiccup: Dad, Alvin has his own dragons. Changewings, Scauldrons, Whispering Deaths... I-I saw them with my own eyes.
Stoick: Yes. When you were kidnapped and locked up in an Outcast prison.
Hiccup: He's also read The Book of Dragons. He's seen Astrid train a Monstrous Nightmare, and he still has Mildew, who, by the way, I really doubt will hold up under questioning.

"Correction he tricked and betrayed you." Mindin said

Stoick: Hiccup...
Hiccup: If Alvin learns how to train his dragons and he attacks with them, our only chance is to fight back with ours.
Stoick: I understand that. But I'm not gonna risk your life or the lives of any of your Dragon Riders. This is my final word.
(Hiccup is explaining the new rule to his fellow dragon riders at the Dragon Academy.)
Astrid: And you agreed? Just like that?
Hiccup What other choice did I have? He's the chief, who also happens to be my incredibly overprotective father.

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