Portrait of Hiccup as a Buff Man

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Hiccup (v.o.): Measuring up to a Viking father isn't easy. Especially when that Viking father is also the Chief of your village.

"Trying to be the chief of a village your father used to be a leader of those are big shoes to fall." Hiccup said

"Yeah, and it will be Zephyr or Nuffinks job in the future." Astrid said

"Berk having a first female leader, you two sure know how to twist tradition around.

Yeah and think about it with my smarts and leadership with Astrid's anger, Zephyr would make anyone not cause trouble if they don't want to see Astrid's side come out but if you do better prey to the grounds that she doesn't kill you. Hiccup said as he smiled as people shivered at Astrid's glare

(Bucket has an uncharacteristic look of intense concentration on his face. He alternates between looking at his work and the father-son duo.)
Hiccup (v.o): So, when you get a chance to prove yourself, you jump on it.

What is there to prove to your father, you already ended the dragon war, what else does he want to prove with me? Mala asked

Everything, he still wants me to be just like him. Hiccup said

Stoick: Shoulder's back, chin up, son! This portrait's gonna hang in this hall forever.

I'm glad that portrait got destroyed in the fire but we are still lucky we saved the other portraits, my kids need to see their grandparents of the past. Hiccup said

Bucket: No good, no good, no good...
(Bucket, frustrated, steps away from his painting and marches over to Stoick and Hiccup. He rearranges Stoick's beard, adjusts Hiccup's shield, and then throws his arms in the air in a manner of defeat.)

Never seen Bucket this mad before. Valka said

Bucket: I CAN'T DO THIS!
(He turns and runs bucket-first into one of the hall's support beams. He sways for a moment before adjusting the bucket on his head back into place. He is seemingly much calmer.)
Bucket: Okay, I'm good.
Hiccup: I've never seen Bucket like this.
Stoick: Well, when he lost half his brain he suddenly became... (Bucket takes a handful of paints and blows them onto the shield.) an artist.
(Bucket continues to move the paints around with his hand with expertise. He holds out his thumb to his focus and closes one eye to measure proportion.)
Hiccup: So, Bucket can actually paint?
Stoick: Oh, he's the best! He's gonna do us proud, son.

Bucket was the one who taught me how to draw before he got a bucket on his head. Hiccup said

(Stoick gestures to the wall behind them. Five shields are displayed, each bearing a picture of a past viking chief standing next to their son.)
Stoick: This portrait is gonna take it's place along all the other Chiefs and their sons.

"Yeah, and one portrait is a fake one." Hiccup said

"What do you mean by that?" Mala asked

"You 'll see." Hiccup said as he pointed at the screen

(One shield shows a picture of a large viking chief who resembles Stoick quite a bit, standing next to a younger Stoick the Vast.)
Stoick: That is the only picture of my father and me. It was a great day.

"I wish I could have met my Grandfather when I was young but Dad said he got killed by a dragon before I was even born." Hiccup said

(Stoick breaks from his memories and looks down at Hiccup.)
Stoick: And so is this!
(They both return to posing for the picture. Stoick glances down at Hiccup.)
Stoick: Chest out, son!
(Hiccup takes in a gulp of air and tries to expand his chest as much as possible. He holds it for a second before releasing it.)
Hiccup: Yeah, this is as out as it goes, Dad.
Stoick: Ah. Very well, then.
Astrid: Look at all these great leaders. And tomorrow, your picture's going to be hanging right next to them!

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