Break 1

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"Alright everyone after a long couple of hours of watching I think you all deserve a break so if you go through those double doors behind you, you'll find a room with a table full of food, and Alvin someone is making something for you as we speak so don't eat anything just yet." Gary said as he walked away

"Where are you going are you not going to stay?" Astrid asked

"I got somewhere to be." Gary said as he disappeared and went to where Stoick is while also mentally telling his chief what disgusting ingredients to make for Alvin and after he was done he arrived

"Stoick, when do you want to meet with Hiccup, Valka, Astrid your daughter-in-law, and your grandkids?" Gary asked

"I don't want to meet either of them." Stoick said

"What do you mean by that?" Gary asked

"Why did you get me from Valhalla and not another Stoick who lost Hiccup and Valka while fighting Drago?" Stoick asked

"Don't you want your grandkids to hug their grandfather for the first time." Gary said

"No I want to go back to Valhalla, just bring another Stoick here." Stoick said

"Alright then but he's going to have your memories of being here." Gary said as he sent Stoick back to Valhalla then he brought another Stoick in who was depressed then the memories of being here started to go through his mind as he showed a smile

"Thank you for bringing me here." Stoick asked

"Your welcome, but right now it's not the right time to reveal you to everyone just yet but it will be soon." Stoick said

"I understand, keep me a surprise." Stoick said

"Well, in their world, you died at the hands of Drago who took control of Toothless who was going to Hiccup but you saved Hiccup from Toothless's plasma blast." Gary said

"My son died when Drago took control of Toothless mid-flight making Hiccup dropped down to the ground hard where a piece of ice went through his stomach then Drago walked over to him and he picked up Hiccup's inferno and stabbed him in his chest, killing him instantly." Stoick said

"What about Valka and Astrid what happened to them?" Gary asked

"I was too slow to save Valka when she fell off her dragon and she hit the ground hard breaking every bone in her body and her head was cracked open as for Astrid she tried to help me around Berk to keep busy but during the night I find her in Hiccup's bed wearing one of his shirts than one day it got too much for Astrid that she ordered her dragon to shoot a spike at her as the entire village watch and they couldn't believe Astrid wanted to kill her ." Stoick said

"Did anyone try to stop her?" Gray asked

"Yeah Heather came to Berk to come and comfort Astrid but Astrid didn't want help and she wanted to be with Hiccup, so the next day as every started to wake up, Astrid didn't come out of her house and we through she killed herself in her house but actually she went to her and Hiccups spot the cove so we went there and when we arrived we found her floating on the water died." Stoick said

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, will you be fine on your own or can I send Gobber up so he can comfort his old friend while also keeping you a secret from everyone?" Gary asked

"No thanks, I'll be fine here on my own." Stoick said

"Alright then I'll be with the others serving Alvin a surprise drink." Gary said as he walked back to the Vikings just as the surprise drink was coming out

"Alright Alvin my chief here has made you a surprise drink I want you to drink and try to guess the ingredients in the drink." Gary said as the lid was lifted and it showed muddy green drink and all over the room there were gags and dry heaving at the smell it was giving off.

Alvin picked up the cup and he gulped down on go and when he was done he shivered at the taste while the Vikings or were going to be sick rushed out of the room to the toilets and puked their guts out

"Okay you have 15 seconds to hold it down and after those 15 are up try and guess the ingredients." Gary said

"What if Alvin doesn't get it?" Gobber asked

"Then every new episode I'll reveal one of the ingredients." Gary said then the alarm went off telling them 15 seconds is up

"Okay Alvin what was in the drink?" Gary asked

"Um there was um, lamb." Alvin said

"Sorry Alvin there is no lamb in the drink, seems like it's time to go back to the cinema room and watch the next episode where the Dragons Riders went on a hint for Hamish the first treasure or was it the second." Gary said as everyone walked to the cinema room while Alvin ran to the toilets and puked the surprise drink out then after he was done he sat back down in his seat as the screen started to play.

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