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•Y/N's Pov•
I should start by giving you some context...

I'm Y/N Yendar, yep sister of the one and only Xenk Yendar. Although for once let's make this about me.

I'd had a though time back with my own family but then I met my true thieving family. Imagine everything you wanted is behind a thin pain of glass. I worked alongside Simon, A sorcerer, Forge, A rogue, Holga, A barbarian, Edgin, A bard and also his daughter Kira who was one of the sweetest I'd meet, definitely brought up well. We became a team, we never harmed anyone and only robbed from those that we feared the least. Well that wasn't until we met the wizard, Sofina.

We knew nothing about her, only that she wanted our help to steal something she'd most desperately wanted that had something to do with the harpers, so technically she only wanted Edgin but free stuff am I right?

It was filled with ancient relics that only harpers could gain access to the vault, which is why Sofina came to us.

Kira had asked us not to go as we told her it was too dangerous but we told her we'd be right back. And to shit that plan went...

Once Edgin had opened the vault we were free to steal whatever we desired. Until Edgin had set off a trap. Sofina fought them off, and we all began to run for safety.

That was until she cast a time stop spell, which Holga got stuck in..

"She stuck in the time stop!" I yelled.
"Help her Simon!?" Edgin exclaimed to Simon.
"I can't Sophina's too powerful!!" He yelled back worried for his friends.

He grabbed my hand and we made a run outside. We waited for them to return but only Sofina and Forge returned with the tablet of reawakening, what Edgin went for so he could bring back his wife.

"You weren't supposed to make it out.." Sofina whispered.

Me and Simon gave each other strange looks before I was lifted up in the air, red vines had you trapped and you were unable to move or speak as you were gagged. I tried yelling through the red gag, but all that came out was a muffled noise.

"Stop! Enough!!" Simon screamed, he looked over to Forge who was just smirking at the two.

Simon was blasted with a red spark and was sent rushing back. He screamed again for mercy, Sofina looked down at the object she'd desired and dropped me back to the ground making me land on my knees. I got up quickly as Simon rushed over to me. He hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I then looked over worried at Sofina and Forge but she shook her head and the two of us made a run for it.

Now the two of us have lived in a theatre that we found where Simon puts on amateur magic shows as we also Rob people. Usually we'd sleep in the theatre but after 2 years of this, something had finally changed..

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