The Plan

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•Holga's Pov•
"So she did become a deer!" I Exclaimed.
"Only at the very end." Edgin said to me, he then turned to Doric, "Are you absolutely sure about Sofina?"
"I saw her markings." Doric replied
"No wonder I couldn’t counter her Time Stop" Simon said with Shame.
" Forge knew all along. He’s got my daughter in there with a Red Wizard." Edgin said.

The vault is protected by something called ‘Morty Kamen’s Arcane Seal.’ Doric revealed.
"Mordenkainen?" Simon said correcting her.
"Yeah, that’s it." Doric answered.
"Oh, pity"  Replied Simon
"What?" You asked
If the vault has Mordenkainen’s Seal, we’re not getting in. It’s impenetrable. Simon sadly said.
"Can’t you just open it with magic?" I asked him.

Simon then begun an infamous influencal speech about magic, you noticed Y/N roll her eyes, whilst sitting next to him.
" Okay, here we go. I hate how everyone thinks that you can solve any problem with magic. There are limits. This isn’t some bedtime story. This is the real world."

"So there’s no way to open it?" Doric asked.
"No, I mean, if I were one of the world’s most powerful sorcerers, so, no. " Simon downfully said.

"Or if we had the Helm of Disjunction." Y/N softly spoke.

We all then shot her a  look.
"The what?" Edgin asked hearing you
"It’s a helmet that disables all nearby enchantments." She went on.

"But it doesn’t matter. The thing went missing ages ago. We’re done." Simon Interupted before getting out of his seat.
"Huh? Come on." Edgin said as he followed him.

Simon then went over and asked for a drink at the bar as Edgin followed him, attempting to get more information out of him.

"How do you know about the helmet" I asked Y/N.
"Oh em, just because.." She stuttered.
"Save it, I know where the helmet is anyway" I replied with a smirk.
"You do?" Doric asked.

When Simon and Edgin returned back to us, Y/N spoke up to give them the information.
"Holga knows where the helmet is."
"You do?" Edgin asked.
"My tribe fought the Cult of the Dragon over it at the Evermoors. We could just ask them where it went." I smiled at my plan.

"That battle was a century ago. They’re all dead." Simon told me.
"So? Ask them with magic." Y/N replied smirking.
"He just made a whole speech how he can’t fix everything with magic." Doric replied back to her, joining in on her joke.

"Actually, that is something I can do." Simon spoke up.
Me, Y/N  and Doric both looked over to him strangley.
"You can bring back the dead?" Y/N asked.
"I can’t, uh, bring them back, but I have this token that lets me ask corpses some questions, and then they go back to being dead." He told us.

"Yuck." Y/N responded.
"Yeah, it’s fairly horrible." Simon agreed.
"It’s fairly wonderful." Edgin intercepted wanting to get this plan on it's feet, "We’re off to the Evermoors. Thank you, Simon, for the drinks."

"Oh, what? No…" Simon sulked.
"Just pay it with magic." Y/N smirked as you put your hand on his shoulder before leaving with us.

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