Magic Show

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•Y/N's Pov•
"No-one can hold a candle to this trick" Simon giggled to himself, yet recieved the dead of silence. He looked over to me to help him but I just shrugged. Nothing would help this audience. He blew out the flame and began to improvise

"Em how about the smell of new cut grass?" He waved his hand, and attempted to cheer the audience up. "Smell that? Fresh cut grass.."

"My 5 year old can do that magic" A women spoke out bored out of her mind.

"Okay then what about this" Simon proudly said. "This is quite hard to be slightly blurry like this, you know.. Anyone can be very blurry, but to be slightly blurry, that’s the real magic."

Oh Shit, not this trick, I thought.
I heard the audience boo, you rolled your eyes until I then looked behind me to notice two of my oldest friends.. Holga and Edgin. Soon Simon also noticed the pair, making the audience's riches fall to the ground, making an awful loud sound.

"He's nicking all our bits n bobs!" A man yelled.

Fear filled my eyes. I jumped onto the stage next to Simon. His hand gripping mine tightly.
"You see folks it's all part of the act!" I smiled.
"Get them" I heard a man yell. I jumped off the stage quickly as Simon was tackled to the ground. 2 men grabbed me lifting me up off my  feet.
"Y/N!" I heard Simon yell before you were all almost attracted to the ceiling. Me and Simon attempted to move around avoiding the audience's angry eyes. Then everyone excluding Simon dropped to the floor, I managed to slither out and find Holga who helped me up and I rushed out quickly. I got onto Edgin's horse and sat behind him when I suddenly looked up in shock to see Simon had also escaped and was rolling of a roof before he landed onto Holga.

"Get us out of here!" He shouted and then we were off..

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