Getting the Helmet

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•Y/N's Pov•
"Stay close and quiet. Whatever you’ve heard of this place is merely a fraction of its true danger. Should the way become too dim, you may take my hand, and I will lead you." Xenk told us, he made a take my hand gesture in, realising no one was going to take his hand, he immediately put it down.

"I’ll tell you right now, I’m not taking his hand." Edgin muttered to us.
I was the first to go follow Xenk, I stayed close to him, obviously I don't trust the Underdark and I'm trying to get as much brother and sister bonding time as I can. I then overheard Edgin speaking to Holga about trusting Xenk.

"Keep your guard up. I don’t trust this guy."
"Even though he’s helping us?"
"Ah, he’s got something up his sleeve."

"The only thing up my sleeve is my arm." Xenk spoke.

"How could he hear that?" I heard Edgin whisper.

"I hear that as well." Xenk said back.

"I hate you." We heard Edgin mutter, Xenk then glanced over to me and smirked, I smiled back at him.

"The path to the ruins is just here..." Xenk began to explain.
We then heard a group of creatures shrieking.
"Keep still!" He exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention.
"What do we do?" I asked him.
"Make no sound. They’re drawn to mental energy.The higher the intelligence of the prey, the more likely they are to strike." He replied.
We stayed close to the walls silently, once they were gone, Xenk led us on to where the Helm would be.

"There it is. The Hanging City of Dolblunde.
The helmet lies on the far side of this chasm. But be warned, the bridge is protected by an ancient Gnomish trap. There is a precise formula we must follow so as not to trigger the mechanism." Xenk spoke to us.

"What’s the formula?" I asked him.

"It’s quite simple. Starting from the center, use odd-numbered blocks only, moving forward with each step, except for every fifth step, which must be a lateral move.
Left or right, it matters not, so long as the leader and the laggard remain equidistant.
After which, proceed. Again, odd-numbered blocks only. However, at the midpoint we switch to even-numbered blocks. Same pattern, except now a lateral move after the fourth step, until we reach the three…"

We then heard the bridge had fallen, Simon had idiotically triggered the mechanism.

"I… I may have… put my foot on the bridge. Didn’t realize that’s where it technically started. So… sorry. It’s not very structurally sound." He stuttered to us taking his foot of the bridge.

"Can’t you just magic us across?" I groaned at him.

"It’s too far for telekinesis." He told me as he looked around.

"I’ve got some rope in my bag. I could tie it to the axe. Toss it across so it sticks to the rock." Holga told us as she began to grab some things out of her bag.

"Where did you get that?" Simon asked.

"What, Marlamin’s walking stick? I swiped it from a wizard over in the Greypeaks." Holga replied.

"That’s not a walking stick..."
Simon then powered up the staff.

"It’s a Hither-Thither staff!" He exclaimed.

"A what?" I asked.

"Should have a range of around 500 yards. Watch. Hither."
He then pointed the staff, making a portal.
"Thither" He said making the end of a portal across the bridge.
"It works! See! Didn't even need the bridge!
I did good." He exclaimed at us.
"Good save" Doric muttered.

We then went over as Xenk retrieved the helmet and passed it on to Edgin.
"This I give you now, trusting that you will protect it with your very life." Xenk told Edgin.
"I will." Edgin bravely said.
"Hold this." He then said passing the helmet to Simon.

Xenk then shot me a glance, "there is evil here"
We then all looked over to see..
"Are those…" Holga muttered.
"Thayan assassins." Edgin replied.

Luckily, I understood Thayan,
"You look older, Yendars. Must be all that foul mortal blood." The Thayan spoke.
"How does he remember me?" I whispered to Xenk as I went and stood next to him.
"And you, Dralas, look just as loathsome as the last time we met." Xenk told them in thayan.
He got his sword at the ready, he then look over at me..
"Ready?" He spoke to me in thayan.
"Always" I replied back in thayan.
"Then I’ll see to it we don’t meet again." You said as you then turned to the group, "leave them to us"

The Thayan then did a signal for his crew to attack us. Me and Xenk swung our swords at each of the thayans knocking them to the ground. He then had a one to one with the main thayan as I kept control of the other ones, once I'd knocked then all down. I heard Xenk scream. Shit.

I then went over to the thayan, and grabbed him behind my back, I then put my sword to his neck and without looking, I made the thayan bleed a painful death.
"You did well" Xenk said as I helped him up.
"Thanks" I said back to him.

"We must flee." Xenk told the group as we went over to them.
"Why? You both just killed them all." Edgin asked.
‘Tis no simple feat to kill that which is already dead." Xenk said as we hurried along.

"Ready for the next bout, Y/N?" I heard the Thayan, I'd just murder speak.
"Oh piss off already!" I shouted, "Go! Go! Go!" I exclaimed at the group.
As we ran up a hill we were all then knocked back in an instance.  We looked up to see glowing red eyes staring back at us.

"That’s one pudgy dragon." Holga shouted looking up.

"It’s Themberchaud! He must have found a new den." Xenk yelled in disbelief...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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