Yendar Reunion

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•Y/N's Pov•
We went to where Xenk would be and saw him being his local kind hearted hero, Me seeing him made me miss the days us two were together. I then noticed him walk past our group not noticing you.
"He's interesting" Doric stated.
"I've seen more interesting" Simon replied in jealousy.
"Y/N, go talk to him." Holga told me.
"You know, I’ve pulled cats out of fish" Simon said as he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes and laughed as I grabbed his hand and followed Xenk.

"Xenk is it?!" Holga asked.
"That is a query I prefer not to answer without knowing to whom I am speaking." Xenk replied still carrying on walking, not facing us.
"I'll take care of this" I  muttered to Holga.
"Xenk, brother, it's Y/N" I spoke up getting closer to behind him.
He stopped in his tracks and turned to face me and smiled at you, his face had lit up in glee.
"I know you don't like hugs but I'm going to hug you anyway" I told him as I ran up to him.
"I've missed you" Xenk told me as he hugged me, I hugged him tight even a tear fell from my eye, I'd not seen him in so so long.
"And who are these?" He asked pointing to my friends"
"This is Simon, Edgin, Holga and Doric." I replied pointing to each of my friends.

"And what brings you to Mornbryn’s Shield?" He asked me.
"You do" I stated, "We’re trying to find the Helmet of Dysjunction"
"Many lives were lost in defense of that helm, To speak of it would be to diminish their sacrifice." He said back to me.
"You’re known as a man of honor and integrity, and I can assure you, our reasons for wanting the helmet are entirely noble." Simon said to my brother.

"Yep. We’re gonna rob someone." Holga spoke.
"Holga!" Me and Simon both told her.
"Not just anyone. Forge Fitzwilliam." Simon told Xenk
"And the Red Wizard of Thay he’s partnered with." I muttered to him.

"Come with me." He told us

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