Meeting Doric

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•Y/N's Pov•
When we arrived, we noticed what would
happen to be an execution of a prisoner. That's Doric? Edgin asked the same thing.
"Oh no that's not Doric" Simon replied.
Was gonna say.. as the executioner was about to kill the girl we noticed one of the horses transform into an...
"It's an owlbear" Simon exclaimed.
After we saw Doric return to her normal self she got on a horse and took the prisoner with her.

Obviously we weren't going to let her get away and rushed to follow her.
"It's just up here.." Simon said to guide us.
"Stay where you are!!" Doric yelled at us.
"Wait it's me.. Simon!" He exclaimed with his hands raised.
"Simon.. who?" She asked with her slingshot at the ready.
"Simon.. Aumar! I courted you.. you said I made you feel sad.. not from what I did! Just who I was.." He said nervously.
"Oh.." She realised, "What are you doing here?"
"We need a deer." Holga spoke
"We don’t need a deer"- Said Edgin trying to cover it up the actual plan.
"We’re gonna take down Forge Fitzwilliam.'" I said with a smile.
"So, how’d you come to live here?" Edgin asked Doric, she had a look in her eye with sadness.

"I was born to humans who decided they didn’t want a tiefling child. The wood elves took me in. I joined the Emerald Enclave to protect them." Doric spoke softly.

"That’s all the more reason to join us!" I exclaimed, kind of wanting this to be over you can't lie.

"You’re the only one who can get into that castle unseen and tell us what we’re dealing with." Edgin replied, trying to get her on board.
"As you can imagine, I don’t trust humans. I find you to be hateful and selfish." Doric said with no shame.
"Well, I’m finding you to be a little mean." Edgin Winced.

"If it helps, I’m only half-human." Simon spoke up with a smile.
"But you’re a bad sorcerer." She replied.
"No, Simon… He’s a mighty sorcerer!" Edgin exclaimed trying to boost his confidence, "He’s a descendant of Elminster Aumar!"

"The only way to succeed in this is to have confidence that it can be done, He doesn’t." Doric responded.
"Yeah, I suppose that’s fair." Simon agreed.

"Look, Simon may not have my wit or Holga’s strength, or Y/N's skill but when it counts, this young man delivers." Edgin once again trying to boost Simon's confidence "It’s why I chose him!"

"He’s also the only sorcerer you know." Holga smirked.
"Holga, not helpful." Edgin muttered.
"Plus we needed Y/N more"
I smirked at Holga for standing up for you.

"What is it exactly that you bring to this?" Doric asked Edgin.
"Me? I’m a planner. You know? I make plans." Edgin said with a smile.

"You’ve already made the plan, so what value do you have now?" Doric replied.
"If, uh, the plan fails… the existing plan… I make a new plan." He said standing up for himself.

"So you make plans that fail." Doric spoke truthfully.

"He also plays the lute." Holga brought up out of nowhere.
"Holga, not relevant. Trust me, I’m indispensable." Edgin exclaimed attempting to make his status clear.

"Well, none of the plans we’ve tried to take down Forge have worked. We dared to question how he came to power, so he declared us enemies. Began destroying our homes and executing our people. If we don’t stop Forge soon, there’ll be nothing left to defend. I’m not doing this for the money. I’m doing this for the people who took me in when no one else would." Said Doric looking into the distance reflecting on her past.

"So we’ll keep your share then." Holga spoke as we all looked at her strangely.

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