Swear to it

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•Y/N's Pov•
Xenk then led us to an old Harper sanctuary.. perfect for Edgin.
"What is this place?" Holga asked
"A Harper sanctuary" I told the group.
"But surely your friend Edgin already knew that." Xenk told us.
"How'd you know I was a Harper?" Edgin asked Xenk.
"You may have forsworn your oath, but your oath hasn't forsworn you." Xenk spoke to him.
Edgin then scoffed, "Just because that sentence is symmetrical doesn't make it not nonsense."

"Why do you wish to rob Fitzwilliam?" Xenk asked us

"He stole Edgin's daughter and a great deal of treasure from us." I told him.
"Also a Tablet of Reawakening." Simon Interupted.
"He doesn't need to know all that." Edgin muttered to him.
"I was just..." Simon sulked.

"In other words, Forge is a real son of a bitch." Holga said.
"So you blame his mother for his corruption." Xenk asked.
"What?" She replied, "No, it's an expression"
"I see, I do not traffic in colloquialisms." He told Holga.
"You're not a lot of fun, are you?" Holga said.
Xenk then gathered us all round, I stood next to him facing the others.

"If Fitzwilliam is truly allied with a Red Wizard, their intentions must go beyond the mere political, Over a century ago, the necromancer Szass Tam was one of eight zulkirs who ruled the nation of Thay." He began to say.
"Great, a history lesson." Edgin intercepted. Xenk then went on..
"But Tam's hunger for power was absolute. On the eve of the solstice, residents of the capital gathered for a celebration. Unbeknownst to them, or his fellow rulers, Tam had a plan of his own: to stage an unholy coup. He unleashed the Beckoning Death, a spell that would consume the souls of all who beheld it, enslaving them to his will. With the aid of his Red Wizards, Szass Tam created an army of the undead, allowing him to conquer the entire nation. Szass's power extends no further than the borders of Thay. I suspect he and his Red Wizards will not be content until they have infected the whole of Faerûn with their maleficence."

"You done? Because we already know that Red Wizards are bad." Edgin exclaimed.
"And so does Forge." I told him.
"The question remains, if they helped him to take power, what do they stand to gain?" Xenk asked.

"Sounds like we have a common enemy. You give us that helmet, and we take Forge down. No one stays Lord without a fortune to back him up." Doric shared.
"And the Red Wizards lose their puppet." said Simon.
"What will become of the wealth you burgle?" Xenk asked Edgin.
"What does that matter?" He replied.

"I will not be complicit in the illicit use of ill-gotten booty." He told him.
"Uh... Fine. We'll divide it amongst the townspeople." He improvised.

"Swear to it."


Xenk then brought out a harpers seal for Edgin, "Place your hand on this Harper's Seal and swear that you will indeed distribute all the wealth you take amongst the people of Neverwinter."

"Go on, Ed. Promise you'll give Forge's money to the people." I smiled at him.
"Promise I'll... give Forge's money to the people of Neverwinter." Edgin muttered.
"Keep this." Xenk told Edgin as he gave him the Harper seal, "You may not yet believe your words, but I do." Xenk told him.
"Yeah. Good for you. Simon, hold onto this." Edgin said chucking the seal to Simon, luckily he caught it.

"Now, where's the helmet?" Edgin asked.
"In the bowels of the Underdark." Xenk told us.
"The Underdark!?" I exclaimed.
"Weren't you trying to keep it safe? Why would you put it down there?" Edgin shouted at him.
"Because it is the last place that anyone who values their life would go." Shared to us.

"Sounds lovely." Simon said.
"Quite the opposite." Xenk replied.
"I-I know. I was being ironic." Simon said stuttering.
"I find irony is a blade that cuts he who wields it most especially." Said Xenk.
You smirked, Simon looked terrified when he was around your brother.

"Yeah? Is that what you find, Xenk?" Edgin asked.
"There is an entrance east of the Sword Mountains in the Kryptgarden Forest, from which we may descend to the ruins of Dolblunde." Xenk told us as we set out on our horses, ready to go the the underdark.

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