A Catch Up

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•Simon's Pov•
We were riding on our horses in the middle of a field after finally slowing down, I spoke up to start a conversation.
"Yep, Forge is one prick" Y/N said.

I nodded "Yes once us two left, Sophina tried to kill us and Forge just stood by"

I then looked down in shame, definitely not a moment I want to relive.

"You know, there’s rumors she made Lord Neverember fall ill to clear the way for Forge" I went on.

"Her magic is on a whole other level" Y/N  agreed.

"Don’t sell yourself short. We saw your show!" Edgin said trying to boost our confidence.

"Yeah, you can hit her with that fresh-cut grass trick" Holga remarked.
I saw Y/N laugh a little so I glanced over at her to get her to stop.

"That’s funny" I said Ironicly.

"Look, I don’t blame you for wanting to save Kira, and I love the idea of knocking Forge off his perch, but robbing Castle Never isn’t worth the risk." Y/N said, obviously not entirely sure were this plan was going.

"And robbing your audience is?" Edgin Interupted.

"Hey, I never agreed to that!" Y/N shouted back standing up for herself.

"How broke are you?" He asked.

"Desperatly.." Me and Y/N both muttered.

"We were planning on sleeping in the theater tonight, but now that seems imprudent" I spoke, "Do we even know what sort of arcane magic is protecting the vault?"

"We’re gonna find out!" Edgin exclaimed.

"How? You gonna sneak past the entire Castle Watch?" Y/N told Edgin questioning his strategies.

"Me? No. A druid maybe, a Wild Shape. They could get in and out undetected as a…As a mouse or a.." He began to think before getting interrupted by Holga.

"A deer" She said calmly.

"Yes, a deer! It’ll blend in with all the other deer in the castle." Edgin replied sarcastically.

"Don’t mock me." She said sternly.

"Where can we find a druid?" The two thieves questioned.

"I know a druid. Doric. She’s truly one of a kind." I  said softly, I then walked over to your side and held her hand, I'd not mentioned my past relationship with Doric in a while so didn't know how she'd feel.

"Sounds romantic in nature." Edgin smirked.

"Yeah. For me it was. She, however, found my lack of self-esteem unattractive." I spoke.

"Not your best trait" Said Holga with no shame.

"Thank you.." I replied.

Now of to find Doric the druid, please let this plan work..

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