Chats with Corpes

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•Y/N's Pov•
Before we carried on we made a rest stop while Holga went to visit her past partner Marlamin. However, once Holga came out aggressively with some things she took from Marlamin, we knew something had happened. Edgin spoke to her as me, Simon and Doric led the group to the graveyard. We also heard the two singing in the background. Simon smiled at you, recognising the lyrics, I rolled my eyes at the two and carried on, until you finally arrived.

"Okay, Simon, how does this work?" I  asked him.
"I read the incantation on this cleric's token, should be here somewhere.." He searched his pockets in his cloak, "Here!"
"All right. Once the dead man is revived, we can ask him five questions, at which point he will die again, never to be re-revived." He went on.
"Why five questions?" I asked.
"I don't know, that's just how it works. Seems arbitrary." He spoke to you.
"Can we get on with this, please?" Edgin exclaimed.
"Right, yes." Simon said getting back to reality.

Simon recited the spell, there was a long awkward pause..
"Maybe I'm not saying it right-" He went on.
Suddenly a corpse shot up, frightening Simon for dear life.
"I wasn't scared merely startled" He said as he was shaking with fear as he held onto me.

"Were you killed in the Battle of the Evermoors?" Edgin asked.
"Yes." The corpse replied.
"Great! I mean, not for you. Sorry for your loss." Edgin spoke back.
Then then turned back to Simon.
"Four more questions, right?" He asked.
"Yes." The corpse said.
"No. No, no, that wasn't for you." Edgin said worryingly.
"Did that count as a question?" Edgin asked Simon.
"Yes." The corpse repeated.
"Damn it... only answer when I talk to you, okay?" Edgin told the corpse
"Yes." The corpse spoke once again.
"Why did you say 'okay?' at the end of that?" Simon asked Edgin.
"I didn't." The corpse spoke before dropping back down to return to death.
"Fantastic. Where's the shovel?" Edgin asked us all

More corpses spoke to us about how they attempted to protect the helmet yet failed miserably. Onto the last corpse then..

"I was wounded and had lost my horse as I escaped the field of battle. I didn't care about myself. I just needed to keep the helmet safe. It was a Thayan, who bore the mark of Szass Tam. I waited for the killing blow. But it never came. He had a kind way.
He told me his name was Xenk Yendar.."

No. You gasped at the sight of that name. You wondered off for a bit so you couldn't hear the conversation. Memories flashed back of you and Xenk as children, a tear came to you eye as you sat on a rock, turned away from the group.

"The Thayans are murderers. End of story!" You heard Edgin shout, you realised this is why you never told anyone about your past.
The group all shared of how they had heard of Xenk, you noticed out of the corner of you eye, Simon looking for you.

"Hey where's Y/N" He exclaimed.

Doric pointed to you and the group went over. Edgin was still complaining to Holga about Xenk, but Simon got by your side and asked what was wrong.

"I've never told you about where I came from did I?" You pondered.
"Let me guess, you've heard of Xenk too!" Edgin remarked.
"Actually yes, he's my em.." You stuttered.
"Your what?" Doric asked.
"My brother.. but I haven't seen him in so long.." You whispered.

Edgin had a look of disgust, while the others had a look of remorse.
"Let me guess Ed, you think I'm a murderer" You stated.
He shook his head realising what he'd been saying.
"So that's how you knew about the helmet" Doric asked as you nodded in return.
"You know there are actually some kind hearted thayan's in the world" I looked over at Edgin, I could tell he wasn't the most comfortable, "I'm still same old Y/N" I told him.
Holga them walk over to him to try and calm him down, "Look, if Xenk turns out to be a prick, I'll split him right down the middle."

"How sweet" I responded.

"Come on Ed, what have we got to lose, for Y/N too, you know if you want to see him again.." She replied.
"Of course I do" I spoke.

"Anyone know where stupid Xenk is?" Edgin rolled his eyes.

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