Journey to the Underdark

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•Simon's Pov•
We rode on our horses on the way to the Underdark, I overheard Xenk and Edgin's conversation as to why he renounced the harpers.
"The Thayans are not all malevolent, including me and Y/N" I overheard Xenk say. This got all of our attention, especially mine.
"If you don't mind me sharing?" Xenk asked Y/N. 
"Whatever, they'll find out either way" Y/N muttered back to him.
"Find out what?" I asked Y/N.
She shushed me, as Xenk then went on..

"Me and Y/N were both children when Szass Tam seized control of Thay. We saw firsthand the horrors of the spell. Honorable men turned to monsters. Minds wiped clean in moments. Parents turning on their own child. We both escaped alive, but forever changed"

I looked down sadly, I now realise why both Y/N and Xenk had the same mark on their forheads. What if she died that day? What if we never met?
"You okay" I whispered over to her.
"I think the better question is are you okay?" She replied to me, god she knows me well.
I nodded back to her as she cracked a smile at me.

We then all got of our horses, I stayed close to Y/N.
"Follow me to the orifice." Xenk told us as he grabbed some rope tying it to a tree.
"The orifice?" Edgin asked.
"The Underdark has many entrances." Xenk shared, "This is one of the less conspicuous"
He then dropped down into a big hole leading to the underdark... oh bollocks.
"I'll go last" I said.

Holga then went down, followed by Edgin, then Doric, before Y/N was about to go I stopped her.
"Y/N are you sure you're fine" I asked her.
"I've told you I'm fine, it was ages ago, why are you bothered so much Simon?" She asked me.
I then looked down to myself.
"It's because.. I love you" I told her, but I'd realised I was too late, she'd already gone to the Underdark.

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